Monday, November 21, 2016

Meghan Markle to Fans: Thank You For Getting Me Through This!

Meghan Markle has problems.

They’re problems that a lot of women would like to have but they’re problems nonetheless.

As you’ve likely heard by now, Meghan is dating Prince Harry.

There are conflicting reports about how serious the relationship is, but we know that Harry spent his own money on a security team to protect Markle, so we think it’s safe to say this is more than just a fling.

Anyway, there are some downsides to banging a royal, and Meghan has been experiencing them in a big way these past few weeks.

We’re sure the good outweighs the bad, but the fact remains that Markle has been subjected to the special brand of baffling hate and rage that’s unique to social media, and that always sucks.

People are pissed that Harry is dating an American, that Harry is dating an actress, that Harry isn’t dating them.

People are just pissed, period.

And while the viewership for the new season of Suits will probably double (bringing it to a couple hundred), Markle is said to be having a tough time with all the extra attention.

Last week brought word that Meghan is staying at Kensington Palace with Harry, and with it came a whole new avalanche of hate.

Fortunately, Miss Markle has chosen to keep things positive on social media:

“Sending extra love to Emily, Sol, Domi, Hannah, Sih, Doris, Jessy, Scarlett and all of you who have been so supportive,” Meghan tweeted last night.

We don’t know who Meghan’s interestingly-named friends, but the last bit is clearly intended for the fans who have wished her well on Twitter on Instagram in recent weeks.

Fortunately, those fans came out in force to subtweet their continued support for Meghan after she offered thanks.

“I’m a Brit & I believe love conquers everything, so hold your head high and live your life,” wrote one follower.

“Screw the haters; you are a wonderful lady and that is that. Keep calm and carry on,” tweeted another.

All-in-all it seems Meghan is receiving more praise than trolling these days, which is nice.

Of course, we all know the trolls speak the loudest.

And they never, ever shut up.
