Friday, November 11, 2016

Taylor Swift Stalker: Arrested For Violating Protective Order!

Taylor Swift is yet another celebrity who is having some serious stalker drama. 

The 26-year-old and her family members have been hounded by the stalker over the past few months and it allegedly came to a head at her October 22 performance at a Formula 1 race. 

The stalker is called Frank Andrew Hoover and he sounds like a piece of work. If true that he’s been hounding both Taylor and her family, he should be locked up. 

It’s difficult enough for stars, worrying about their own safety. Pursuing her family is completely despicable and it should not go unpunished. 

The deluded 39-year-old was spotted tailing Taylor from the track to the airport, managing to get as close as 25 feet to the superstar. 

It’s seriously scary stuff and there can never be such a thing as too careful. When confronted by Swift’s bodyguards, the man claimed he wanted to get a picture and “possibly accompany Taylor wherever she goes.”

The dude seriously sounds desperate, but it’s clear he needs some help in order to realize that he’s going the complete wrong way about getting in contact with Swift. 

If that was not bad enough, the man also took to emailing Taylor’s father and some of the messages he sent were just downright creepy. 

One of the messages went like this: “Without her, I walk the earth alone forever and she’ll continue to experience failed relationships that break her heart.”

The guy sounds like a right loser. 

Taylor already had a restraining order against Hoover and that one stated that he was to stay 500 feet away from her. The scary thing about all of this is that he just can’t seem to stay away from her. 

Thankfully, he was arrested on Thursday for repeated violation of the protective order and is being held on $ 100,000 bail. 

Hopefully Taylor and those closest to her will be able to rest easier knowing that the man is now behind bars. It must be horrible for Swift and everyone close to her, having to look over their shoulder. 

Hoover is not the first stalker Taylor has butted heads with. If you recall, a deranged fan showed up at her home earlier this year, distraught about her relationship with Tom Hiddleston

She has had her fair share of people pursuing her over the years. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off in the comments.
