Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Meghan Markle: Struggling to Make Relationship With Prince Harry Work?!

Before we learned that Meghan Markle is dating Prince Harry, she was best known as one of the stars of Suits by the dozen of so people who watch Suits.

But despite her role on the long-running USA Network series (which we assume takes place in a Men’s Wearhouse, or something), Markle was never a household name until she got involved with Harry.

We’re not saying that’s the sole reason that she’s so keen to make this relationship work (There’s a lot to like about the Ginger Prince), but it probably plays a role in her decision to totally upend her life if that’s what it takes to keep Harry happy.

According to People magazine, step one has been for 

“She’s trying to figure out how to scale back what she puts out there about her life, including her social media and her website,” says the pal of Markle, who apparently runs a Paltrow-esque lifestyle website.

“If she had to leave all that she’s doing in order for the relationship to work, she would without hesitation.”

Like we said, that’s not the way a semi-famous actress in a new relationship thinks about things.

That’s the way a semi-famous actress who’s in a relationship with a royal thinks about things.

It’s not sexist, as we’d feel exactly the same way if the gender roles were reversed.

It takes ambition, guts, and a whole lot of luck to carve out a successful career in Hollywood.

Very few people would be willing to give it all up after a few months of dating, unless they have reason to believe their new significant other can offer more.

We’re not throwing shade, as we’re sure both parties are realistic in their assessment of their unique situation.

Normally, it wouldn’t be necessary for a woman to consider giving up her career because her new dude is more famous, but in this case, the dude is waaaaaaay more famous.

And it’s not like Harry is a fellow actor.

He’s a subject of international obsession, and though he’ll probably never serve as much more than a vaunted figurehead, he still possesses a modicum of political power, which means Meghan may need to give up acting in order to stay with him.

Already, Harry has had to hire a security detail to protect Markle from harassment when she’s on her own, working in LA.

Insiders say Markle is already staying at Kensington Palace, and one of the reasons the relationship is moving so quickly might be the fact that it’s really not possible to keep it casual with someone as high-profile as Prince Harry.

So while Markle’s alleged willingness to give up her career is unlikely to earn her many points with the critics who think she’s only with Harry due to his fame, it could also be taken as an indication that she has no misconceptions about the reality of her situation.
