Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Kate Gosselin Accused of Child Abuse in Bombshell New Case!

Jon Gosselin apparently isn’t the only one who can abuse the Gosselin children … as allegations of abuse by Kate have recently emerged. 

Life & Style reported that Kate was investigated earlier this year, and the rumors are absolutely devastating. 

A source revealed to the magazine that the revelation came after Jon and Kate’s special needs son, Collin, was admitted to a facility.

That’s when the troubled boy revealed information to the clinic staff that triggered a formal investigation of his mother.

The report regarding the incident read:

“Collin said something to the facility’s staff and it was reported to Children and Youth Services [CYS], which started an official probe.”

“The police later notified Collin’s dad, Jon, that a child abuse investigation was opened,” the source explained.

Oddly enough, Jon held his tongue about the reported incident, and didn’t leak it to the press, unlike some others. 

This seemingly comes at a most inopportune – or opportune, depending on your perspective – time, as Kate Plus 8 is set to debut later this month. 

In a recent trailer for the new season, Kate was basically painted in an “I can’t cope with life, let alone eight children” light, and the result was ugly. 

In the video, Kate is called “dramatic,” “competitive,” and “insane” by her children, now amazingly ‘tweens and teens.

Now that the rumored abuse investigation news has emerged, it only makes the 41-year-old mother of eight look worse. 

Previously, Kate revealed that she was too rough on Collin prior to his diagnosis, which only adds further credence to the rumors. 

“Collin had such bad issues that he refused to get his picture taken at school. He’s tired of being on-camera,” a source revealed.

“The kids are going through a very challenging time, but Kate doesn’t feel this is something that should be discussed publicly.”

The struggle dates back to when Collin was only two.

Way back then, Kate made him sit in the corner for misbehaving, as if that’s a way to discipline a child that’s barely out of infancy. 

She regretted her treatment, however, and looks back on it as a teachable moment (whether she’s learned from it or not is up for debate).

Kate later said, “I feel so guilty that I treated him like that.”

“I will set out tomorrow to be a better mommy.’

In another incident, when Collin literally spilled the beans – a bag of beans, specifically – and knocked over a high chair, she said, “I was instantly so SO angry.”

She was so angry, in fact, that she lost her s–t.

Kate “grabbed him and spanked him as hard as [she] could” … so hard, in fact that she “thought [she] may seriously injure him.”

This, “[she] sent him to his crib till Jon came home.”

It’s a chilling story, no matter how many times you hear it.

“I have never felt that I may seriously injure a child but today was that day!” she revealed, with some kind of misplaced audacious pride. 

Whatever Kate’s deal is, and that’s a topic that we could speculate on voluminously, the woman needs to get her head right.

Before it’s too late.
