Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Jenelle Evans Sparks Outrage with Latest Pregnancy Pic?!

It’s not all that difficult to hate on Jenelle Evans.

In fact, she makes it so embarrassingly, depressingly easy.

She’s done so many awful things that it would be absolutely impossible to count them all.

Remember when she gave up custody of her first son, Jace, so she could smoke weed and party?

Or when she took her toddler and her own pregnant ass to the beach during a hurricane?

Or all those many, many times she got arrested for being violent or having drugs?

You get the picture.

But sometimes, every now and then, people take the hate too far, they make up new reasons why she’s awful instead of choosing from the plentiful options that actually exist in reality.

This is one of those times.

Jenelle took it upon herself to make a slight change to her hair:

She lightened up the color a little bit, explaining in the caption that her stylist gave her “some easy low lights and a baby trim.”

She also used hashtags like “healthy hair,” “natural hair,” and “fresh trim.”

And how dare she.

There are actually a few issues that people are taking with Jenelle’s new look, one being that she had the audacity to dye her hair while she’s pregnant.

“Aren’t you supposed to refrain from chemicals during pregnancy?” one of her followers pointed out.

Because, see, there’s this belief that a lot of people have that any and all hair dye is completely toxic to a fetus.

It’s been proven wrong — hair dye is fine, pregnant or not — but why give up on some pointless outrage? So Jenelle was pretty harshly criticized for that.

Another issue, apparently, is that she shouldn’t even have gone to get her hair done — she should have been taking care of the son she has custody of, Kaiser.

Several people think poorly of Jenelle for putting Kaiser in daycare when she doesn’t work a normal job, so why should she be able to pamper herself when she’s not doing her motherly duties?

These are seriously things that people have been saying about her.

Look, we get it, Jenelle is the worst.

But not because she got some damn low lights.

Can we at least try to get the tiniest bit of a grip here?
