Friday, November 4, 2016

Caitlyn Jenner: SNUBBED at Kendall Jenner"s Birthday Party?!

Earlier this week, Kendall Jenner turned 21, and naturally the more press-friendly members of the Kardashian-Jenner clan turned out to do some posing, while Rob chilled at home jamming razor blades into his Kim voodoo doll.

Actually, insiders say Rob wasn’t invited to Kendall’s multi-club birthday crawl, which is no surprise, as he’s been known to flake out on family functions.

But it seems he’s not the only one who got the kold-shoulder from the k-squad on Kendall’s big day.

Caitlyn Jenner was invited to attend, and she turned out for the occasion – but sources say Kendall and her squad barely acknowledged the former Olympian.

“It didn’t seem like [Caitlyn] was warmly welcomed … it was super awkward,” one witness tells Page Six.

Apparently, part of the problem is that Caitlyn rolled up like she was going to a Pokemon-themed roller rink party and not a lavish birthday soiree for a world famous model.

“She brought a present and was really casually dressed,” says one onlooker.

Obviously the casual dress is Kendall is an issue, as Kendall is one of the only Kard clan members to pursue an actual career, and fashion is her field of expertise.

(Or at least the field that pays her bills.)

But the “brought a present” thing – there’s a problem there, too.

Presents at this sort of affair should be so big you can’t carry them (think: something with tires) or so small no one knows you brought a present (think: something with diamonds).

For example, Scott Disick was there, and he presented Kendall with some massive Marilyn Monroe-inspired piece of art, because the Kardashian-Jenners are both pretentious and basic as hell.

No word on if Scott continued to stalk Kris Jenner, but assuming he didn’t behave any creepier than usual, he did alright for himself.

The problem is that Caitlyn enjoyed a brief moment of hipness after her “coming out” but it hasn’t lasted, because … well, she’s not hip.

Right around the time we learned that Caitlyn is voting for Donald Trump, the world kinda threw up its lands, like, “Nah, we can’t with you, girl.”

Which would be fine if she didn’t want to be part of the scene, but she does.

And sadly, her need for acceptance will probably just result in more awkward scenes at forced family functions.

Here’s hoping Caitlyn can find a different level on which to relate to her daughters.

Now that she no longer has a reality show, they might lose interest in her altogether.

Getting canceled is considered a form of neglect in the Jenners’ world.
