Friday, January 13, 2017

Jessa Duggar Enjoys MASSIVE Baby Shower

If you’re born into the Duggar family, you better make damn sure you’re a people person.

Obviously, the sheer size of the family doesn’t really allow for being the withdrawn, quiet type, but in addition to double-digit siblings, the Duggar kids are also forced to glad-hand at massive social events, like they’re Arkansas royalty.

Take Jessa Duggar’s recent baby shower, for example:

Usually these things consist of a dozen or so women sitting around playing weird games involving diapers.

Jessa’s, however, saw 130 of her closest friends descending on the Duggar compound for an afternoon of charity work.

Sure, they did some of the usual baby shower BS, but they also spent time assembling care packages for Loving Choices Pregnancy Center, an area organization offering assistance to at-risk pregnant women.

So obviously that’s a pretty cool twist on the usual shower activity, but as with every other Duggar social event, we can’t help but wonder:

Who are all these people?!

The family lives in Tontitown, Arkansas, population 2,400, yet when they host a party, half the state shows up.

Jessa’s shower is the most recent massive turnout, but it pales in comparison to Jinger Duggar’s wedding, which was reportedly attended by upwards of 1,000 people.

We know the Duggars are active in their community and whatnot, but 1,000 people?!

We could invite out entire Facebook friends list, including that kid we haven’t seen since second grade when he loved to eat paste, and it still wouldn’t be 1,000 people.

But we’re a bit off topic here.

The real question these days isn’t “are the Duggars paying extras to act like their friends?” but “when is Jessa’s due date?”

Officially, she’s expected to deliver in mid-February, but many fans believe she’s bracing for an early birth.

We have no idea why they believe this, but they’ll give you an earful if you tell them their theory appears to be based on nothing.

Anyway, no matter when Jessa’s second bundle of joy arrives, one thing is certain:

Between hand-me-downs and shower gifts, he or she won’t be wanting for anything.

Watch Counting On online to see the Duggars interact with just so, so many people.
