Friday, January 20, 2017

13 Reasons to Be Hopeful About the Next Four Years

It is official:

As of January 20, 2017, Donald Trump is the President of the United States.

And while this (not so) simple fact has left many Americans way down in the doldrums, The Hollywood Gossip is here to try and make you feel better.

For the following reasons, the next four years might not be so terrible after all…

1. Star Wars: Episode VIII

Star wars episode viii

But who’s countinr, right?

2. More Alec Baldwin on SNL!

Alec baldwin on snl

It beats him screaming at reporters, doesn’t it?

3. The Kylie Jenner Sex Tape

Kylie jenner sweatshirt bra and abs

You know it’s coming. And you know Kylie will deny playing any role in its release.

4. The Kimye Divorce

Kimye on a date

You also know it’s coming. And the fallout will be epic. This may be how Kim finally breaks the Internet for real.

5. The Americans is Returning!

The americans is returning

Season 5 of the most underrated show on television premieres on March 7. (Wait… this drama is about Russian spies who have infiltrated America. Dammit.)

6. The Midterm Elections


We’ll have a chance to reorganize the government and balance out Congress in 2018. It’s not to soon to get involved.

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