Saturday, January 28, 2017

Donald Trump: Celebrities React to Muslim Ban

Donald Trump is officially a terrible person.

Well, we"ve known he was terrible for a good long while now, but his latest move really just takes the whole terrible cake.

In case you missed it, Trump just signed an executive order that many are referring to the "Muslim Ban." The order prevents anyone from Syria, Libya, Iraq, Sudan, Yemen, and Somalia from entering the country.

Refugees from these countries, people with visas, people with green cards who have families and careers in the U.S.? If they"re abroad for any reason, they can"t come back.

Also worth noting: though the banning of refugees is temporary, in the future they will be given a "religious test" before entering the country. Christians will receive preference.

Oh, and one more thing: Trump is fine with people from predominantly Muslim countries to which he has business ties.

It"s alarming, it"s horrifying, and it obviously discriminatory.

See how celebrities are reacting to Trump"s order, which is now in effect.

1. Judd Apatow

Judd apatow photo

“He doesn’t understand that this will lead to people in America becoming radicalized as a result of his ignorance and cruelty.”

2. Sophia Bush

Sophia bush pic

“THESE are the HUMAN BEINGS Trump banned today. REFUGEES fleeing ISIS. Children. Their families. Shame on him. May God help us.”

3. Michael Moore

Michael moore image

“That the President of the United States would order on Holocaust Memorial Day the banning of a people due to their religion is reprehensible. To our Muslim neighbors in the world: I & tens of millions of others are so very sorry. The majority of Americans did not vote 4 this man.”

4. Jessica Chastain

Jessica chastain in red

“WW2- USA Turned Away Thousands of Jewish Refugees Fearing That They Were Nazi Spies. TODAY- Trump signs order banning Syrian refugees.”

5. George Takei

George takei apprentice pic

“The 9/11 attackers were from Saudi Arabia, Egypt & UAE–not the 7 nations in the immigration ban. These all do have Trump properties though.”

6. Andy Richter

Andy richter

“What’s happening is repugnant. We’re supposed to be unique, a haven. We’re betraying our heroes.”

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