Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Jenelle Evans Denies Lying About Pregnancy

If you caught last night’s episode of Teen Mom 2, then like many others, you may have been a bit confused by the scene in which Jenelle vehemently denied being knocked up.

These days, we know that Jenelle is pregnant with her third child, and many took to social media to wonder why the Carolina Hurricane would go out of hr way to mislead viewers.

Now, Jenelle lies all the time, but why would she lie about being pregnant, knowing full well that’s not the sort of thing she would be able to keep under wraps for very long?

Well, not surprisingly, Jenelle claims she can explain everything.

In a series of confusing tweets posted late last night, Jenelle had this to say about her alleged subterfuge:

“Here’s the deal… April of 2016 I filmed the car cam scene with David and found out at lunch from my Endo. I was pregnant…

“Then coming home from lunch the car scene with David was filmed with me not remembering we were recording lol…

“A week or few days later we flew out to the reunion, end of April 2016. At that time I had to go see a doctor because I thought it was … The time of my month.

“Saw the OBGYN the Doctors show connected me with in LA. He conducted an ultrasound and told me I was not pregnant.”

Jenelle maintains that at no point did she knowingly mislead viewers or TM2 producers about her pregnancy.

She says that when the segment that aired last night was filmed, she was under the impression that she was not expecting:

“Once I got home from the reunion MTV came over unexpectedly to congratulate us, but sadly I wasn’t. I didn’t want to explain on camera,” Jenelle tweeted.

“Then I went to Farrah’s birthday in May and even made a post on IG how I wasn’t pregnant if you all remember. Found out I was in June.”

It’s a believable enough account, and far be it for us to question Jenelle about something so personal (even reality stars are entitled to a modicum of privacy).

Fans are still expressing their skepticism, but we suppose that’s to be expected.

Jenelle’s made a lot of money during her years on MTV, but she’s done little to earn anyone’s trust.
