Monday, January 16, 2017

Duggar Family on Jana: Somebody Marry This Girl!

Last week, Jana Duggar celebrated her 27th birthday.

If you watch Counting On online, then you’re probably aware that Jana has a twin brother, John David Duggar.

And yet, fans who are inclined to discuss such matters on social media devoted almost all of their attention to Jana, once again ignoring her oft-overshadowed brother.

There could be a number of reasons for this:

Jana is a fan favorite with a massive following online, and just about everything she does draws some interest online.

But it seems the main reason that Duggar obsessives couldn’t stop talking about Jana’s birthday is that they just can’t believe she’s still not married.

Obviously, 27 is far from over the hill, but Duggar women are told from a young age that they’ve been put on Earth to procreate, and the fact that Jana seems to be in no rush is just too much for some fans to wrap their heads around.

While viewers have been buzzing about Jana’s apparent reluctance to marry for years, as though she’s some sort of monarch or something, her family has mostly remained mum on the subject.

That has yet to change, but some fans believe Jana’s parents, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, have been subtly trying to enhance their daughter’s marital prospects by singing her praises online:

“Jana, you are such a wonderful, beautiful, sweet, virtuous woman,” the Duggars wrote on Facebook last week.

“You have such a loving heart that continually shows kindness to everyone you encounter. We love the woman you’ve become!

The parents gave a shout-out to John-David as well, but they were far less effusive in their praise.

Many took this as a sign that the Duggars are desperate to see Jana get married, but there could be other reasons that they’re gushing about their eldest daughter these days.

Jana’s tireless work around the home has earned her the nickname “the Cinderella Duggar,” and there have been rumors that she’s chronically overworked and under-appreciated by her family.

It could be that this is the Duggar’s way of showing the world that that’s not the case.

Or it may be that they really want her to hurry up and get hitched before her best breeding years are behind her.
