Monday, January 23, 2017

Blake Shelton: Planning to Propose to Gwen Stefani on The Voice?!

Last we checked on Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani, the couple was going strong at the People’s Choice Awards.

BS and GS certainly aren’t shy about their love, but they are careful about controlling how much of their life together goes public.

Pretty much from the time they first hooked up, we’ve been hearing rumors about Gwen and Blake getting married, but both parties have been evasive when asked about plans to tie the knot.

But that may be soon to change …

Radar Online is reporting today that Shelton and Stefani are receiving more money to return for future seasons than any other judges on The Voice.

The reason seems to be that producers are well aware that viewers love ‘em some Gwake chemistry, and the relationship has proven to be a ratings bonanza.

“[Blake and Gwen] are getting paid an exceptional bonus that is significantly higher than the other judges to keep the spark alive on-camera,” a production source tells Radar.

Of course, the novelty of the fact that two of the judges are dating will eventually wear off, which means Gwen and Blake may have to offer fans more of an insider’s view of their relationship if they want to keep the audience interested.

The news of the bonus has led to speculation that Gwen and Blake might have promised producers something special.

Like, for example, an on-air proposal during one of the show’s live segments.

Obviously, that’s just speculation at this point, but makes an awful lot of sense.

Without the expectation of that sort of event television, it wouldn’t make much sense for the network to offer Gwen and Blake significantly more cash than the other judges.

After all, the tabloid interest in their relationship has begun to die down, and that will likely translate to diminishing returns in terms of ratings.

Blake proposing to Gwen on the air would certainly boost interest in the show, however temporarily.

But it seems like producers have some other tricks up their sleeve, as well:

“The producers really want to see Gwen and Blake in competition more often this upcoming season, versus working with each other like they have in the past,” says the insider.

“And, of course, there is a stipulation in their contract, which is more of a break-up clause,” the source claims.

“If, for some reason, they call it quits, they are both required to finish out the remainder of their existing contracts.”

Now that could make for some intense competition. 
