Friday, January 27, 2017

Donald Trump: Madonna is Disgusting and So is Saturday Night Live!

Is anyone else looking every so fondly back at last week when Obama was president?

It was a simpler time. A happier time. A time when the apocalypse wasn’t quite so near.

But, as much as it pains us to say, that was then, and this is now.

And now, Donald Trump is in the White House, ruining the country a little more every day.

This thing we’re talking about here though, thankfully it’s not all that serious. It’s stupid and obnoxious, sure, but it’s not as alarming as, say, a Muslim Ban.

(Seriously, how did we get here and how do we get somewhere else?)

No, all we’re talking about today is this new interview Trump did with Sean Hannity and how, in the interview, he called Madonna “disgusting.”

Actual presidents trying to start feuds with legendary pop stars. That’s the world we’re living in right now.

Trump took issue with Madonna over the speech she gave in D.C. at the Women’s March last weekend — you know the one.

In her speech, Madonna gave a hearty “f-ck you” to Trump and his supporters, but she also stated that, because of Trump, she’s “thought an awful lot of blowing up the White House.”

And it pretty much goes without saying, but that last thing is not a thing that a person should say.

Madonna hopped on Instagram the next day to offer a half-assed apology, saying that she’s “not a violent person” and that she doesn’t “promote violence,” but that the quote about blowing up the White House was taken out of context.

It wasn’t — if you listen to her entire speech, it’s just as awful as hearing it as a pulled quote — but sure, Madonna.

But while we’re all comfortable with shrugging off Madonna and her painfully desperate grabs at attention, Trump took a little more offense.

“Honestly, she’s disgusting,” he says in the new interview. “I think she hurt herself very badly. I think she hurt that whole cause.”

“I thought what she said was disgraceful to our country.”

OK, a few points.

One, “disgraceful to our country” sounds a little dramatic. Yes, it was a terrible thing to say, but it was Madonna who said it. Are we really placing that much importance on Madonna?

Two, it seems like there would be better ways for a president to communicate his issue with Madonna’s statement than saying that she’s “disgusting.” It sounds a little too catty.

And three, “I think she hurt that whole cause,” really?

Last we heard, no one’s saying “Man, Maddona’s speech was messed up, let’s back off of this stuff about women’s rights.”

But then, horror upon horrors, Donald Trump did the unthinkable: he actually made sense.

He touched on the topic of Katie Rich, the Saturday Night Live writer who was suspended indefinitely from the show after tweeting “Barron will be this country’s first homeschool shooter.”

About the tweet, he said “I don’t mind some humor, but it’s terrible.”

His statement that he doesn’t mind humor is debatable, judging by every tweet he’s ever tweeted about Alec Baldwin’s spot-on impression of him, but he’s right in saying that the original joke was terrible.

“For them to attack, for NBC to attack my 10-year-old son, it’s a disgrace. He’s a great boy and it’s not an easy thing for him. Believe me.”

NBC didn’t attack his son, one writer made a joke in poor taste about him, and it is pretty rich that Donald Trump is out here calling someone else “a disgrace” when he could have just peeked at a mirror and seen the biggest disgrace of them all.

We’re facing the longest four years of our lives, friends.
