Friday, January 6, 2017

Jenelle Evans: Boyfriend David Eason Shows MORE Red Flags!

Poor Jenelle Evans … girl just can"t win for losing, can she?

Sure, it"s usually her own fault that she loses — the seemingly never-ending stream of terrible choices she makes doesn"t exactly serve her well — but still, it"s hard to see a person in a constant mess.

And the messes she gets herself into with men? They"re the messiest messes.

Things started going downhill for her when she got impregnated at 16 by a total creep, but in subsequent years she repeated that same exact cycle three more times.

Courtland Rogers got her pregnant during their brief relationship, but she had an abortion.

Nathan Griffith, he of the DUIs and the assault charges, fathered her second son, Kaiser.

And now she"s with David Eason, another guy with all sorts of criminal charges, and she"s expecting a baby girl with him.

Girl"s got a pattern, that"s for sure, and judging by this sneak peek from next week"s episode of Teen Mom 2, that pattern has got her between a rock and a hard place.

Or between a douchebag and another douchebag, as it were.

In the clip, Jenelle tells David that Nathan wants to come see Kaiser, and though she"s actually pretty mature about the whole thing, David throws a big, embarrassing fit.

He"s obviously insecure about Jenelle contacting Nathan at all, even if it"s just for the sake of their son and a court order.

Watch the uncomfortable clip below:

Jenelle evans boyfriend david eason shows more red flags