Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Jeremy Calvert to Leah Messer: You"re Full of BS!

Jeremy Calvert has a few things to say to Leah Messer.

A few angry and bitter things to say to Leah Messer, we should clarify.

As those who watch Teen Mom 2 online or on television witnessed this week, tension ran unusually high between Jeremy and Leah, who are parents to three-year old daughter Adalynn and who divorced in 2015.

The ex-couple went at it over Calvert practically kidnapping the infant and taking her out of state… as Messer interpreted his actions, at least.

As depicted on the latest episode of this MTV smash hit, Calvert appeared to take Adalynn on a trip to Ohio, failing to answer any phone calls or text messages from his former spouse in the process.

The incident took place after Messer’s hometown of Elkview, West Virginia suffered a major flood.

While Messer’s house fortunately came out of the natural disaster unscathed, Calvert’s family residence in Ohio was significantly damaged.

Jeremy therefore left South Dakota, where he had been working, to return home and help out his parents.

He had Adalynn with him at the time. And Leah claimed she was left in the dark when it came to her child’s whereabouts.

“We’re supposed to get another flash-flood warning, and she’s in another city and I know nothing!” she screamed at one point.

Leah later said Jeremy “lied” when confronted about his actions.

But now Calvert has taken to Instagram to tell his side of the story.

“So, to clarify tonight’s episode about me leaving West Virginia and not informing Leah on my travels..” the reality star captioned a video clip of himself explaining the situation.

“I texted her at 6:42pm and did not get a text message back until 9:38 pm when I was already in Ohio.”

He continued in his attempt to escape blame:

“I am not waiting around 3 hours for my ex-wife to respond to me and say yes you can take our child to Ohio or not during a disaster. We didn’t have no water, electricity and everything was flooded, debris everywhere.

“So, no, I was trying to spend some quality time with my daughter while I had a chance to be home from South Dakota even though it was a complete nightmare trip and everybody lost everything.

“So, I tried my best to communicate.

“I can’t help if somebody don’t answer their phone, read text messages or whatever situation may be on that behalf. I can only do what I can do.”

Calvert, who just recently called out MTV for manipulating footage and ruining lives through editing, also went off on the network once again for how he’s being portrayed.

Watch his outburst here:

“The phone conversations you all saw tonight took [place] a week later when I was already back in West Virginia, packing my clothes, getting ready to go back to work in Sioux Falls, South Dakota,” he says in the above video.

“Therefore MTV, all they want to do is stir the pot and cause more drama that was unnecessary.

“Because we had already hashed out the issues, but they wanted to bring it back up so they have some good drama for TV for you all to watch and get your own opinions about and get the ratings through the roof.

“So there you go on that bunch of bulls–t.”

It doesn’t sound as though this will be the last time we hear from Calvert on this topic.

“As a repercussion for deceitful editing, I will address each scene with what really happened,” he told Instagram followers earlier this month, adding:

“I appreciate all of your support over the years.”

Messer, meanwhile, seems unfazed by her ex-husband’s complaints and rants.

On Tuesday night, she shared a meme that reads “Don’t let anyone rent a space in your head, unless they’re a good tenant.”

Determined not to let either Jeremy bring her down or criticism over her parenting affect her, Messer wrote the following as a caption to this message:

Becoming aware of who and what impacts you positively and negatively is essential to learning how to choose to feel good. Your thoughts and how you think about things create your feelings yet it’s important to remember that they don’t define you.

Take inventory of who is taking residence in your mind. Observe their presence and how you’re affected by them. If they’re not good tenants, it’s time to evict!

A good first step is to replace the thought of them with someone who adds value to your life, then make a mental list of at least 10 things you appreciate about this person. Your mood will elevate almost immediately.

There is no reason to excuse perpetual behavior that doesn’t serve you. Your mind, the thoughts you think and the beliefs you have, become the reality you experience.
