Sunday, January 8, 2017

Jenelle Evans: About to Pop at Her Baby Shower!

It’s almost time, friends.

In just a few short weeks, Jenelle Evans, the hottest mess in Teen Mom history, will welcome her third child.

Is the world ready? It’s hard to say.

But what’s not hard to say is that Jenelle is very, very excited for her third kid — and her first daughter!

And it looks like Jenelle’s friends and family are pretty excited about it too, because they all got together to throw her a baby shower!

Sure, in some circles it’s considered just a little tacky to have a baby shower for each and every baby, especially if the babies in question are close in age.

(Jenelle’s younger son, Kaiser, is just two years old, so there’s that.)

But this looks more like a dinner party as opposed to a parade of gifts that Jenelle could very easily buy for herself. Just this once, we can probably let the criticism slide.

The shower was all-inclusive too, instead of the traditional “no boys allowed!” affairs.

Jenelle’s sketchy boyfriend, David Eason, was there, as were her two sons and some various bros.

And of course her beloved mother, national treasure Barbara Evans, was in attendance — the video above, you can even catch her telling one of her charming stories in that delightful voice of hers.

The whole affair actually looks pretty classy, which is surprising because, you know, Jenelle.

It’s a good thing, too, that she seemed to have a good time, because in other areas of her life, things haven’t been going so great.

For example, her ex-fiance and the father of one of her kids, Nathan Griffith, just won’t stop getting arrested.

In the past few months alone, Nathan’s been in trouble with the law for alcohol-related nonsense, lying to police, and choking his girlfriend — not once, but twice.

On top of that, her current fella is incapable of being mature and reasonable when it comes to Jenelle coparenting with Nathan.

And on top of that, she doesn’t seem any closer to getting custody of her oldest son, Jace.

Mix all those big life issues together, sprinkle in the smaller stuff — Jenelle’s near-constant bad parenting decisions and her refusal to admit there are any issues at all — and it’s not looking so hot.

But hey, at least she had a nice baby shower!
