Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Johnny Depp: Amber Heard Doesn"t Want a Divorce! She Wants Drama!

Back in August, Johnny Depp and Amber Heard finalized their divorce with terms that were reportedly amenable to both parties.

After the deal was reached, however, in an unexpected twist, Heard announced that she would donate her settlement to charity.

The philanthropic act seemed to be at least partially motivated by Heard’s desire to refute claims that her primary motivation in accusing Depp of spousal abuse was to exploit him for cash.

As a counter-measure to what his team saw as an attempt at slander, Depp offered to donate the funds to the charities directly, rather than writing a check to Heard, who would then pass the money on.

Heard’s people weren’t having this, as they saw it as an attempt to steal her thunder and secure a tax write-off for Depp.

So, nearly five months after the settlement was reached, the two charitable organizations have only received the first of many scheduled payments, as the matter is once again tied up in court.

It now looks as though it may be several months before the issue is decided, and Depp says that’s by design.

According to the actor’s lawyer, famed divorce attorney Laura Wasser, maintains that Heard is dragging out the proceedings in order to remain relevant by keeping her name in the tabloid headlines.

“It is clear that she is intent on prolonging resolution and continuing litigation as long as the public’s attention will allow,” Wasser claims, in court documents obtained by TMZ.

Heard has already fired back in a deposition, alleging that this is simply another attempt by Depp’s team to destroy her public image.

“I want my life back. I want to be divorced from Johnny now,” she says.

Needless to say, it doesn’t look like this situation will be ironed out any time soon.

Expect Depp and Heard to continue taking shots at each other and filing petty legal motions for several months to come.

We hope the charities Heard selected were planning on receiving that cash in the near future.

We’ll have further updates on this increasingly bizarre story as more information becomes available.
