Monday, June 26, 2017

Kim Kardashian: Mom-Shamed for Doing THIS to Saint West

Kim Kardashian stands accused of being a law-breaking bad mother who is placing her child in considerable risk on a near-daily basis.

No, really.

This is actually the case.

The mother of two, who may actually become a mother of three in the near future if those Kim Kardashian surrogacy rumors are accurate, shared what she likely believed to be a harmless photo on Facebook this past Saturday.

A sweet photo even, perhaps.

An adorable photo, for sure.

But that’s not how many users took it, not after they studied the following image of little Saint West closely and found a huge problem with it.

Can you guess what it is?

Nope? Not at all? Not one bit? You just see a very cute toddler with some precious shoes and his sippy cup all ready to go?

Same here.

But a handful of Facebook followers have taken major exception to this snapshot, calling out Kim for facing her son to the front in his car seat when he’s only a year-and-a-half old.

To be somewhat fair to these overly-critical parent-shapers, California law does state that a child’s seat must face the rear if sad child is under the age of two.

Or if said child weighs more than 40 pounds.

We don’t know Saint’s weight, of course, but at just over 18 months, it’s VERY hard to believe that he’s reached this figure on the scale.

Nevertheless… whatever. We aren’t about to tell Kim how to be a parent.

Others, however, don’t share that same point of view.

“He is so cute, let’s protect this handsome boy by making sure [he] is rear-facing,” reads one comment, which prompted a Kardashian supporter to clap back as follows:

“I see the car seat police are on a mission! Typical putting their nose and opinion in when it wasn’t asked!”

Again, to be a tiny bit fair to these trolls, at least their criticisms have nothing to do with a child eating Nutella or a five-year old wearing a mermaid costume.

But it still feels harsh to butt into a mother’s world, even if that mother is famous and basically makes a living by opening up her world to fans and critics on social media.

“Didn’t realize so many people had degrees in car seat positioning,” wrote another user, making us laugh.

kim fb messages

Kim is yet to comment on this ongoing car seat debate.

According to recent stories, she’s likely too busy speaking to prospective surrogate mothers to really care what some strangers have to say on the Internet.

We hope she ignores this hate and continues to focus on her kids instead of what these idiots have to say.

After all… you can hurl whatever insults Kim’s way that you see fit when it comes to the products she chooses to push, the lack of shame she chooses to show and the fake storylines in which she stars on television.

But Kardashian has given us no reason to think she doesn’t love her children a whole lot.

At the end of the day, that’s all we’re gonna judge her on as a parent.

That’s all any of us can do, right?
