Monday, June 12, 2017

Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson: Bachelor in Paradise Pool Sex Prompts Sexual Assault Probe

Earlier today, we learned that Bachelor in Paradise production was shut down after a producer filed a complaint over on-set sex. 

Specifically, Corinne Olympios’ pool sex with DeMario Jackson … which seems like exactly what producers would WANT to see.

It is Bachelor in Paradise, after all. But here’s why their antics sparked so much concern that the whole cast was sent home …

DJ and CO

DeMario, from this season of The Bachelorette, and Corinne, from last season of The Bachelor, both came to Paradise with notorious reputations.

It didn’t take them long to hook up, though the exact events that led to the show being shut down remain unclear and in dispute.

According to the producer who filed the complaint, Corinne Olympios was so drunk on day one of filming that she had no ability to consent.

Corinne and DeMario Jackson’s sexual moves in a swimming pool nonetheless were allowed to play out on film by the people in charge.

Was that a mistake? The producer in question clearly believes so, raising concerns that Corinne may have been sexually assaulted.

Not so fast, says the other party involved …

DeMario Jackson claims the naked pool encounter with Olympios was not only consensual, but that Corinne was the instigator. 

Jackson says that he and Corinne were drinking heavily and making out at the bar when she suggested they take things to the pool.

There, they took their clothes off and began “rubbing, touching and fingering” one another … all while cameras were potentially rolling.

He also claims Corinne put her genitals in his face and he began licking … but was unable consummate things because he was wasted.

TMZ says the producer in question was assigned to shadow Corinne, and began hearing stories from people on set that were alarming.

The producer may or may not have viewed the incident, according to the celebrity news site, but she has NOT watched the footage.

What actually happened? Will we ever know?

People familiar with the footage say Olympios was “fully engaged,” but regardless, there will be no filming until this matter is resolved. 

After the complaint was filed, Warner Bros. immediately kicked out DeMario and Corinne and launched an investigation into “misconduct.”

Production was then suspended until the investigation is completed, though it appears unlikely any criminal conduct will be uncovered.

At least not if earlier reports that Corinne and DeMario are on good terms with one another after the infamous encounter are accurate.

Still, both infamous contestants pushed the envelope too far, and “the truth came to light,” according to one of DeMario’s former co-stars.

CO and DJ

Eric Bigger, one of the favorites on The Bachelorette (see The Bachelorette spoilers for more on that), chimed in Sunday about this. 

He believes Corrine and DeMario probably were just having fun in Paradise that night, until things got out of hand for everyone.

Now it’s become a thing bigger (pun not intended) than either of them imagined, and it remains to be seen how it will play out.

Obviously, if there was even a possibility of assault or non-consensual activity involved, a serious investigation should proceed.

We’re just not sure that Jackson should be accused of taking advantage of Olympios without evidence to support that claim.

If there’s anything we know about Paradise, it’s that booze and hot people looking for and consensual sex are abundant. 

Stay tuned for more on this developing story.
