Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Maci Bookout on Ryan Edwards: I"m Afraid He"ll Go Back on Drugs!

If you watched last night’s episode of Teen Mom: OG, you know that much of the hour was devoted to growing concerns over the health and wellness of Ryan Edwards.

Edwards’ drug use has brought his loved ones to their breaking point, and on this week’s TM:OG, Maci Bookout revealed a plan to withhold custody and visitation rights unless the father of her first child gets sober.

It’s a drastic move, but it could prove necessary to saving Edwards’ life.

Unfortunately, Maci was faced with a conundrum:

In order to ensure that Edwards seeks treatment, she needs to apply pressure.

But she fears that applying pressure might lead him into a potentially fatal binge,

“He is my oldest son’s father,” she told a counselor who’s aiding Edwards’ inner circle in their efforts to get him clean.

“I’m not sure what he’s using. But sometimes he’ll fall asleep when you’re trying to have a conversation with him or is extremely wide-eyed. He doesn’t look right.”

Asked if she’s willing to keep Edwards’ child from him if he refuses to seek treatment, Maci reluctantly affirms that she’ll do whatever it takes:

“Yeah, I’m hoping it doesn’t get to that point, but that would be the ultimatum,” she said.

“The other aspect is if I’m limiting access to him, I’m also going to have to do that with his parents because they are the sole caregivers of his son when he’s with his dad.”

But though she seemed stalwart in her decision to help her ex no matter the cost, she remained stymied by a very real concern:

“What happens in the time we talk and the time he goes to get help?” she asked her husband, Taylor McKinney.

“I feel like he’s going to use or do something in that time period. What if it’s too much? I’m scared, but I’m more scared of not doing it.”

It’s a problem that many families have faced, and there’s no easy answer to be offered.

Ultimately, Maci made the right decision, but it hasn’t come without a cost.

Earlier this week, Edwards left rehab and promptly slammed Bookout on social media.

The damage to their relationship may well prove irreversible, but Maci can console herself with the knowledge that she did the right thing.

Watch Teen Mom online to relive Ryan and Maci’s rocky relationship.
