Friday, June 2, 2017

Courtland Rogers to Jenelle Evans: I Still Love You! Take Me Back!

Shortly after Jenelle Evans welcomed her third child, there was a brief period of time in which it looked as though the Carolina Hurricane might be changing her ways.

Fortunately for fans of batsh-t drama, she quickly proved to us that Super Storm Jenelle won’t be downgraded to a tropical depression any time soon.

The most bonkers Jenelle development (or, Jenelle-opment, as we like to say) in recent weeks involved Ms. Evans’ feud with David Eason’s sister.

Eason, of course is Jenelle’s fiance and the father of her third child, which makes his sister an unusual target for a flame war.

Perhaps Jenelle realized that the situation was ludicrous even by her lofty standards, because she ended her feud against David’s sister earlier this week.

We’re pretty sure that’s the first time a Jenelle Evans feud ended without police and paramedics involved, so we’d like to take a moment to applaud her progress.

Anyway, it wasn’t long before Jenelle found herself at the heart of a new social media spectacle, but in fairness, this one is in no way her fault.

Back in 2012, Jenelle was briefly married to Courtland Rogers.

Courtland was released from prison back in March after serving 18 months on charges of heroin possession.

He re-launched his old Twitter account, and fans immediately began asking if he would attempt to reconcile with Jenelle.

At first, Rogers laughed off the suggestion, but now it looks as though he’s given it some very serious thought.

Rogers deleted his account at some point last night, but not before The Ashley’s Reality Roundup caught sight of his final tweets:

“I can’t sleep and I have a confession to make..I miss Jenelle so freaking much…like more than anything in the world.. I MISS MY WIFE,” Courtland wrote.

“I MISS JENELLE LAUREN EVANS SO MUCH THO .. no matter what has happened in the past…ughhh I have to sleep…goodnight.”

Yes, it sounds like Courtland is having a hard time letting go of the past.

We’re sure he’s feeling haunted by his mistakes these days:

Maybe he shouldn’t have married Jenelle moments after being booked for a felony at the same courthouse.

Perhaps the two of them shouldn’t have had their reception at Olive Garden.

Oh, and he almost certainly shouldn’t have done all that heroin with his new bride.

Sigh … reflections on young love lost.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to remind yourself of just how many upstanding young gents Jenelle has dated over the years.
