Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Little People, Big World Finale Recap: He"s Here!!!!!

Little People, Big World wrapped up Season 13 in a huge way on Tuesday night:

With the arrival of little Jackson Kyle Roloff!!!!!!

The first child for Zach and Tori Roloff, along with the first grandchild for Amy and Matt Roloff, came into the world on May 12 via C-section.

His proud parents have talked openly about Jackson ever since, sharing one adorable photo after another of the newborn.

But this week’s season finale of Little People, Big World took us back in time a little bit, to a few days prior to Jackson’s birth.

As you might expect, Tori was concerned about the pending procedure describing a C-section as “a different kind of miserable” at one point.

“You’ll be okay, baby. I’ll be by you,” Zach told his wife, offering assurance, only for her to change the topic slightly.Will 

Will Zach be okay?!?

“Are you going to look? Don’t look,” she said, pointing down at her belly. “I would suggest don’t look. I don’t care if you look down at the incision, but from what I’ve heard, I would suggest don’t look.”

What? Why not? Zack asked.

They literally take your intestines out and put them on the table, Tori replied.

After originally making this face in response…

… Zach tried to put a positive spin on the experience.

“That’s like a bucket list kind of thing,” he reasoned. “When will I ever be able to see someone’s intestines?”

That’s a fair question, we suppose. And a good way to look at the situation.

Later on, the Roloffs discussed the possibility of their son being born with achondroplasia, the most common form of dwarfism.

(We now know, of course, that Jackson does have this gene, just like his father.)

“It was always a scary thought to have an achon baby,” Tori confessed, adding:

“I went to the dwarf games with you and saw one kid in particular who had a [trachestomy].

It terrified me because there was a moment when we were on the field that he stopped breathing and his mom was so on it, she literally didn’t flinch.”

Tori wondered whether she’d be able to gather this sort of strength and confidence when it came to the condition.

Elsewhere, as they awaited their grandson’s arrival, Amy and Matt decided to put all differences aside and just focus on the fun times they had raising four kids on their farm.

Won’t it be amazing to repeat this experience with another child?

At last, the day arrived.

With the C-sections scheduled, there was no panic over water-breaking nor any major surprises with labor, just a few nerves on the part of the first-time-parents-to-be.

“The next time I see you, you’re gonna be mom and dad,” Amy told Tori and Zach at the hospital as the former was wheeled inside the delivery room.

At exactly 8 a.m. that day, little Jackson was born, but he wasn’t so little at the time, weighing in at nine pounds and one ounce.

“I think he’s gonna be an easy one to love,” Zach said upon first holding him.

Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Audrey later arrived, while Amy summed up the miraculous event and the new member of her famous family as follows:

“It was really nice that we all came together to say, ‘Zach and Tori, your baby’s loved already. It was loved before it was born, it’s loved right now, it’s going to continue being loved."”

And, with that, Season 13 comes to an end.

But Amy has already confirmed to viewers that Season 14 is on the way, with a premiere date in September and with another precious bundle of joy on the way:

Indeed, Audrey and Jeremy will be welcoming a baby girl this fall!
