Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Counting On Recap: Oh, Baby! Jessa Duggar Welcomes Second Child!

Monday night, on a brand-new Counting On entitled “A New Baby,” all eyes were on the arrival of a new Duggar family member.

Maybe you could’ve guessed that.

On Counting On Season 3 Episode 3, speculation was running rampant about Jinger Duggar expecting … but she isn’t. We think. Yet.

If you watch Counting On online, however, you will see the expectant Jessa Duggar welcome her second child into the world this week.

We’re pleased to report it went significantly more smoothly than when her first child, Spurgeon, was born. Like, 250 times more smoothly.

Whereas Spurge’s birthing process lasted for over two days and ended with a blood transfusion, his brother arrived in just five hours.

Jessa’s sister Jana Duggar even called it a “perfect birth.” (No, Jana, that would be went you entered this world, because you’re perfect.)

We see her point, though. Welcome, Henry Wilberforce!

“It couldn’t have gone any better,” Jana said after Jessa, just like when she had Spurgeon, opted for a home birth – at least at the start.

“We’ll begin labor at home and see what happens,” Jessa had said earlier, and soon enough, her water broke and husband Ben said:

“At that moment, everything changed.”

That’s how it typically works, indeed.

At 3:30 am, four and a half hours after everything changed, Jessa’s mom Michelle Duggar came over to her house along with Jana.

Jessa’s other sister, the pregnant Jill Duggar – who had been on mission trip in Central America for Spurgeon’s birth – was there also.

“When we came over, it sounded like she was going to give birth soon,” Jill said. “I was like, ‘I hope my mom and Jana make it!’”

They did. The gang was all there.

While the labor pains were intense, Jessa’s delivery went about as quickly and complication-free as you could hope for in that situation.

After Henry Wilberforce arrived, Jessa remembered just being completely shocked by how quickly the whole process went by in a blur.

“I was relieved, I couldn’t believe it.”

Ben whispered, “You did it, babe!”

“Ben was crying too,” Jessa recalled of seeing her emotional husband break down. “You look at that little miracle in your arms.”

“There’s nothing like it.”

Henry weighed 8 lbs. 11 oz., which is remarkably a whole pound lighter than his big brother Spurgeon, who met him a few hours later.

Congrats to the Seewalds on this joyous occasion! It’ll be interesting to see if they adopt #3 or have him or her the traditional way.

As for Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo, it looks like they’re putting off starting their own family by a good couple of months at this point.

Will Joy and Austin Forsyth beat them to the punch? Unclear, but Jill Duggar is now on tap to welcome a second son of her own.

She and husband Derick Dillard, already the parents to two-year-old Israel, are expecting a baby brother for him next month.

Exciting times in Tontitown!
