Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Briana DeJesus on Teen Mom 2 Cast: They All Love Me! I Swear!

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, then you’ve probably caught wind of the relatively major shakeup that’s in store for the show’s eighth season.

Despite the fact that the show certainly wasn’t lacking in the drama department, former Teen Mom 3 star Briana DeJesus will be joining the cast in order to liven up the proceedings.

The news was met with mixed reactions from both fans and existing cast members, several of whom reportedly felt that Briana’s presence would mean less screen time to go around.

In fact, there have been rumors that much of the cast is flat-out pissed that DeJesus is joining the show, and it’s not just because they fear that their own storylines will be scaled back.

At least one cast member (Jenelle Evans, of course) has exchanged shots with Briana on social media and seems to have no qualms about revealing her distaste for her new co-star.

The Jenelle vs. Briana feud got nasty at one point, but the tweets have been deleted, and it looks as though the ladies may have made up.

These days, to hear Briana tell it, the whole business about any of the ladies objecting to her joining the show was straight-up fake news.

We’ll leave it to you to decide if her comments have been scripted by TM2 producers:

“I’ve spoken with most of the girls on the show. They’re excited to have me on. All those rumors going around the internet are completely false, none of us are beefing,” Briana said in a recent interview with Us Weekly.

“Of course, it might be hard for me to come into this new group of moms because I’m the newbie, so I can understand their feelings and if they’re concerned about me coming on, but I just want to help these girls and help the girls watching us.”

But despite the lack of beef amongst the cast, Briana assured fans there will be plenty of drama, much of it involving her complex relationship with her sister:

“There are a lot of tears, some laughter and you still see the story line from the original where my sister [Brittany] had the abortion and I didn’t,” she said.

“Now you really see how our decisions affected us — the good and bad about both and the different paths we both took.”

And of course, like the just about everyone else on the show, Briana is coping with more than her fair share of baby daddy drama:

“He’s wishy-washy,” she said of daughter’s father, Devoin.

“You don’t know what to expect from him. He’ll come visit for a week straight, then I won’t hear from him for a month.”

Fortunately, it sounds like Briana and Nova are doing just fine on their own:

“Nova is so beautiful. He’s missing out on so much and she’s missing out on a real father figure,” DeJesus told Us.

We get the feeling she and her daughter will fit right in.
