Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West: Third Child Actually on the Way?!?

Welp. This is one way to boost ratings for Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 14.

According to sources close to Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, the couple really is making plans to welcome a third child into the world.

Not via another Kim Kardashian pregnancy, however.

As has been well-documented on her family’s reality show, the mother of son Saint and daughter North has been diagnosed with placenta accreta.

This condition would make it very dangerous for Kim to carry another baby in her womb. 

But Kardashian has said on many occasions that she wants to have a third child nonetheless, first broaching the topic early last year on the series finale of Kocktails with Khloe.

“It would be a really dangerous environment for me if I were to get pregnant again,” Kim said at the time, explaining that “Kanye has been mentioning” the prospect of another kid every day for over a week.

Several months later, Kim made it clear on a Keeping Up with the Kardashians episode that she was also interested in expanding her family.

Following a visit to the doctor, however, it became clear that a third pregnancy was simply not physically possible for her.

In response, mother Kris and sister Kourtney (and even good friend Chrissy Teigen) have said they’d serve as a surrogate for Kim and Kanye… meaning they’d actually get pregnant with a baby and then Kimye would adopt said baby.

But while Kardashian has not taken up her relatives and her close pal on these selfless offers, TMZ shockingly reports she and her husband have taken a major step toward surrogacy.

That is, they’ve hired a surrogate mother!

The website claims that Kim and Kanye have struck a deal with an agency for an unnamed woman to carry a potential sibling for their kids, using Kim’s eggs and Kanye’s sperm.

The contract calls for the following monetary obligations to be paid out by the stars if the following conditions are met:

– $ 45,000 in ten $ 4,500 monthly installments.

– If there are multiples (i.e. twins or triplets or even more), the surrogate gets $ 5k for each additional child.

– If the surrogate loses reproductive organs, she receives $ 4,000.

– Kardashian and West are also required to deposit $ 68,850 with the agency.

Moreover, the surrogate is not permitted to smoke, drink alcohol or take any drugs during her pregnancy.

She also agrees, TMZ reports, to cut down on sexual activities in the weeks leading up to the pregnancy, including foregoing sexual intercourse for three weeks following embryo implantation.

If this all sounds very technical, that’s because it is.

Hiring a surrogate is not an uncommon practice and it’s easy to understand why couples who do so would want to take every precaution possible to ensure a healthy baby.

Typically, a surrogate is hired when a woman cannot get pregnant at all, but there are certainly no rules against taking this step when you simply want to add to your family.

The surrogate must follow other health-related guidelines as well:

  • She cannot go in hot tubs or saunas.

  • She cannot handle or change cat litter.

  • She cannot apply hair dye to herself.

  • She cannot drink more than one caffeinated beverage per day.

  • She cannot eat raw fish.

The agreement details how Kim and Kanye “assume the legal and parental responsibilities for any child … that may possess any congenital or other abnormalities or defects.”

Wow, right?

This is a pretty huge deal.

It comes on the heels of endless rumors about the state of the Kimye union, with many outlets writing over the past few months that divorce proceedings were just days away.

We never really bought such chatter, but it was pretty clear trouble was brewing following Kim’s robbery last Octonber and Kanye’s mental breakdown.

But here they are now, seemingly very happy once more and prepared to take a significant life step.

If a surrogate really does get pregnant with Kim and Kanye’s baby, more questions will crop up around the couple.

Not surrounding their marital status, however; but surrounding their third child’s name.

What will they possibly go with this time around?!?
