Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Maci Bookout to Ryan Edwards: Stay Away From Our Son Until You"re Sober!

If you watch Teen Mom online, then by now, you’re probably well aware of the escalating tensions between Maci Bookout and Ryan Edwards.

The problems arise from the fact that Edwards has been coping with substance abuse issues, and he only recently agreed to seek treatment at an in-patient rehab facility.

It was a step in the right direction, but unfotunately it was only the beginning of the issues between Ryan and Maci.

Edwards left rehab earlier this week, and he immediately attacked Maci on social media.

It’s still not entirely clear why Edwards was so angry with Bookout, but it may have had something to do with the events of the most recent episode of Teen Mom: OG.

In the episode, Maci can be seen consulting with a drug counselor, who advises her to take a tough love approach to convincing Ryan to seek treatment.

This includes canceling planned visitations between Ryan and his son, Bentley.

Because the visits take place in the home of Edwards’ parents, Jen and Larry, she would essentially be keeping the boy from that side of the family entirely, a fact she acknowledged in comments to the counselor:

“Bentley’s going to be mad at me. He’s going to want to go to Jen and Larry’s [his grandparents] and I won’t be able to let him.” Maci said at one point.

If the scene outraged Edwards, he’s certainly not alone.

Numerous fans lashed out at Maci online for punishing her son and his grandparents for matters over which they have no control:

“So she is going to take it out on Ryan’s parents? Wonderful loving supportive grandparents since the start. SO WRONG!!” wrote one fan on social media.

Another cries hypocrisy, citing Bookout’s recent revelation that she and husband Taylor McKinney often fight with one another while drunk.

“Didn’t she admit this season that her and her husband get drunk and go at one another. Maybe Bentley should be with his grandparents since both parents have issues with substances,” the fan remarked.

Needless to say, many Teen Mom: OG fans remain firmly Team Ryan.

It’s unclear at the moment if Edwards completed his course of treatment, or if he left the facility ahead of schedule.

But it seems clear that as far as his issues with his baby mama go, Ryan is far from out of the woods.

Watch Teen Mom online to relive the many ups and downs of Ryan and Maci’s relationship.
