Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Duggar Divorce Scandal: Anna"s Sister Ditches Husband, Outrages Family

At this point, it’s clear that Anna Duggar will never divorce Josh Duggar, the seemingly unrepentant sexual predator who went to great lengths to cheat on his loving years after he was caught molesting his younger sisters.

In fact, there have been reports that Josh and Anna’s relationship is stronger than ever following his six months in “faith-based” sex addiction treatment.

These days, Anna is pregnant with the couple’s fifth child, and sources say she actually prefers life away from the constant glare of the TLC camera crews.

But it seems not everyone in the Keller clan (Anna’s side of the family) has such a sky high tolerance for mistreatment.

Radar Online is reporting today that Anna’s older sister Rebekah McDonald and husband, Joshua McDonald, have called it quits after several years of marriage.

In some respects, the Keller’s are even more conservative than the Duggars, so it’s difficult to imagine that Rebekah’s parents would be okay with her pulling the plug on the marriage.

Unless, of course, Joshua engaged in some sort of abuse or infidelity.

And considering Rebekah not only filed for the divorce, but also requested full custody of the couple’s two kids, that seems like a very real possibility.

The reasons she cited for terminating her marriage – “discord” or “conflict of personalities” – are frustratingly vague for those seeking insight into what’s considered acceptable grounds for divorce in the fundamentalist, patriarchal world inhabited by the Duggars and the Kellers.

Insiders say the divorce was recently settled, but only after Rebekah agreed to less punitive terms.

She and Joshua will now split custody of their children.

So Rebekah is now an unencumbered single woman, but it remains to be seen if she’ll be welcome at future family event.

After Anna’s sister, Susanna Keller, had a child out of wedlock, she was reportedly shunned by her immediate family.

These days, sources say she’s been welcomed back into the fold, but only after proving her piety and getting engaged to a man her parents approve of. 

If Rebekah cares about continuing to be accepted by her parents, she may have a long road ahead of her.

Watch Counting On online for more glimpses into the curious belief system of Anna’s ultra-conservative family.
