Thursday, June 22, 2017

Adam Lind Boasts About Hard Drug Use on Social Media

Ah, Adam Lind.

Every time the other baby daddies and boyfriends of the Teen Mom franchise start to think they’re the worst people on the planet, they probably just cue up a Lind-heavy episode of TM2 and breathe a sigh of relief.

The past week has seen off-the-charts levels of awfulness from Lind, even by his own incredibly lofty standards.

First we learned that Lind was recently high on meth while caring for his youngest daughter.

Shortly thereafter, Lind was accused of using steroids and murdering puppies, because he’s truly reached cartoonish levels of supervillainy.

Not surprisingly, Lind is on the verge of losing custody of both of his daughters as a result of his rampant douchebaggery, and his second baby mama, Taylor Halbur, is basically going nuclear in her effort to make sure the judge sees things her way.

So to paint an accurate picture of the World’s Worst Dad, she’s compiled a bunch of Lind’s most ridiculous social media posts, most of which have to do with his love of heavy drinking and hard drugs.

Obtained by Radar Online, the posts seem to escalate in terms of absurdity, beginning with a relatively innocent photo of a bottle of Jack Daniel’s.

“Late nights and drinking at the shop,” Lind captioned the image.

From there, things escalated quickly:

“We will be for too drunk this weekend for all that noise,” he commented on Facebook.

He added:

“Bon fire my place I got baby girl so gunna be nice chill night close friends and cold beer.”

Yes, Lind openly announced plans to get drunk while caring for his daughter on social media.

And if you thought he would stop there, you don’t know Adam:

“Well by the amount of dope I do I’ll be up for 3 days,” Lind wrote in an apparent reply to an unknown comment.

“My vision is getting weak from old age… and I got the shakes from withdrawals from all hard drugs I do… so sorry.”

Halbur also provided the court with a meme that Lind posted about the joys of using cocaine.

Yeah, we’re no legal experts, but we think we have an idea of how dude’s next custody hearing is gonna play out.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to remind yourself of just how long Lind’s history of terrible behavior is.
