Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Kim Kardashian: Pregnant with Twins Via Surrogate!?

We’ve known for a while now that Kim Kardashian wants a third baby — just not out of her poor, battered uterus that’s been through so much already.

But you know how Kim and Kanye hired a surrogate? Well that’s reportedly working out extremely well, as she’s apparently already pregnant.

… With twins.

A source and long time family friend of the Kardashians reports that Kim and Kanye’s surrogate is already pregnant with twins.

“Kim and Kanye are excited and happy as they are expecting twins with the help of a surrogate.”

That’s incredible news. 

It’s worth noting that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West’s surrogate isn’t some friend going above and beyond for them.

She’s hired through an agency, and is poised to make $ 45,000 from the arrangement.

Actually, with twins, she’ll make about $ 5,000 more.

We wouldn’t be surprised if she makes a little more than that, to be honest.

I know that if I were Kimye, I’d want to make sure that she has enough money that she’ll never feel the need to, contract or no contract, share her story for some quick cash, you know?

The source continues:

“Kim has always wanted twins, and due to health issues has needed the help of a surrogate to make her dreams a reality.”

Maybe she wanted twins to begin with, but is this really still what she wants? Making the jump from two kids to four is a big deal.

Yes, even when you can afford a small army of nannies and have a cleaning staff.

“It is very early on in the pregnancy so it will be a while before they make anything public.”

Some friend, right?

Having twins can be tough for most families.

They’re not just twice the work — the effort of being a parent increases exponentially as more children are added to the family.

Having twins means having two small, helpless noise-meats at once that have to be constantly cared for, usually around the clock.

Also, twins can sometimes mean that they’re destined to be heroes in an epic fantasy epic, though sometimes only one is the hero and one is the villain.

All of that is a lot for a parent to deal with, even if we’re not talking about their first baby.

In some ways, Kim and Kanye will have an easier time with that.

Because of nannies, basically.

We don’t know if they’re going to have a wet nurse or just use formula, though most experts would recommend actual breast milk over formula.

That’s not, like, hipster reasoning.

Breast milk isn’t just nutrition — it helps with immunity and even gut flora that aid with digestion.

Choosing a surrogate is an option that most couples can’t afford, but it’s a great option for a lot of people.

Kim Kardashian’s multiple pregnancy complications in the past make this a necessity.

It’s worth noting that artificial wombs are going to be a thing, soon.

Anybody else seen that video of a lamb incubating inside of one?

We imagine that the price on giving birth that way might be a little more accessible than hiring an actual person.

But that wonderful feat of scientific progress is years away.

In the mean time, while surrogacy is a great option for people of means, most people can’t afford it.

(Adoption is great, though. Just putting that out there)

Considering Kim’s history of complications that included surgeries on her uterus, giving birth herself would almost certainly put her life at risk.

Now, this report’s source is a family friend. Not from the couple. Not from Kris Jenner.

When Kim and Kanye are ready, they’ll obviously share the news. Maybe on social media, maybe Kanye will run up and grab somebody’s mic to announce it.

There’s no telling.

Generally people don’t share this kind of thing so early, even when they aren’t celebrities.

Miscarriages are more common than anyone seems to realize.

Part of us has to wonder if Kim and Kanye were concerned about people leaking their news when the time comes, and “leaked” deliberate pieces of misinformation to different friends to see who took the bait.

If so, then we guess that they know who they have to cut off from all information.

But, if I can just be totally honest, I think that Kimye can afford to take care of twins and I also think that it would be awesome if this is absolutely the real deal.

How fun would it be to watch a pair of Kardashian twins grow up, with North and Saint as their older siblings?

Also we’ll get to experience not one but two more of Kimye’s over-the-top and wildly entertaining baby names.

We’ve already had so much fun with North West and Saint.
