Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Little People, Big World Recap: The Results Are In!

This week’s episode of Little People, Big World focused on the littlest person of all.

On an installment titled “He’ll Be Whoever He’s Meant to Be,” Zach Roloff and his family awaited test results to learn whether Zach and Tori’s impending baby would be a dwarf.

Those who follow these stars outside of their TLC series already knew the answer, of course.

It was revealed a few days ago – about two weeks after the Roloffs welcomed little Jackson Kyle into the world – that the newborn was, indeed, born with achondroplasia, the most common form of dwarfism.

It’s the same affliction that affects his father.

But this episode was filmed in March, on the night prior to Tori’s baby shower, and the Roloffs were unsure what the expect from their first grandchild.

“Zach and Tori are going to have their ultrasound. What do you predict? You going down the LP route or you going down the average-sized route?” Matt asked Amy at one point.

“I’m not going down any route. It’ll be whatever it’s meant to be,” Amy replied.

In a confessional later on, Matt confirmed that he’ll love his new grandson regardless of his stature of course.

Just in case anyone had any doubts based on the earlier conversation.

“Doesn’t really matter. I’m going to be excited about either one,” the reality series patriarch told viewers, adding:

“I have a feeling it might be LP, you know, from the ultrasound. I’m not an expert, but I’m feeling some LP coming on.”

Last Tuesday night, Jeremy Roloff said the opposite, rubbing his sister-in-law’s baby and predicting a regular-size person for her and Zach.

But while her loved ones were focused on the child to come, Amy was more concerned with Tori’s well-being.

“Tori may have to have a C-section,” she said last night.

“I would hope that an average-sized person could push the baby through, whether it’s a little person or average-sized, but you just never know.”

Fortunately, Amy and Zach were able to focus on different aspects of the former’s pregnancy.

They weren’t concerned with whether Jackson would be a Little Person or whether Amy would need surgery; they had a party to consider!

“The baby showers I have been to, the dads always show up to just to say, ‘Hey, Dad’s here too – not just Mom, ‘” Amy told Zach of whether he was expected to attend the event in her honor.

She then took a contemplative pause and added:

“Isn’t that weird, ‘Mom’ and ‘Dad?"”

Yes, Zach agreed.

He has recently said the word “son” and came to the same conclusion.

“I don’t know if I’m going to say that, though. ‘My son.’ Like sun? The sun?” he said to his wife.

“I want to say ‘my boy. That’s my boy.’ Yeah, that’s probably going to be more my thing.”

Like his father, the couple discovered last night that Jackson was likely to be born with achondroplasia, although he weighed 9 lbs. 1 oz. and was 20.5 inches long at birth.

“Mom and Dad are so in love with you already,” Tori gushed of her firstborn on Instagram last month.

To see why Jeremy and Audrey faced a new hurdle after finding their dream home, and to find out why Amy and Chris had to engage in a serious discussion of their size difference, click on the video below.

You can then watch Little People, Big World online with ease. Enjoy!
