Friday, June 16, 2017

Lena Dunham Poses Completely Nude After Weight Loss!

Lena Dunham is not a shy person.

Not even a little bit. Not even at all.

She’s been naked numerous times on her HBO show, Girls, and she’s always been exceedingly open and honest about her body.

She suffers from endometriosis, and she’s spoken extensively about her many hospitalizations and surgeries — she’s even shared photos of her scars from those surgeries.

Lena’s also discussed her recent weight loss at length, which she’s claimed is, in part, thanks to the “soul-crushing pain and devastation and hopelessness” that came when Trump was elected president.

All this is to say that this woman is extremely open about everything — every last little thing.

So it makes sense that she’d take a nude selfie and throw it up on Instagram.

In the photo, her weight loss is really visible. She looks great, right?

And in the caption she added along with the photo, she shared some typical Lena Dunham words of wisdom.

“I spent so many years loving my body but thinking it wasn’t lovable by others,” she confessed. “It’s sole purpose was to be fodder for jokes.”

“I performed the insult so no one else could.”

“I don’t regret any of it,” she went on, “that’s my art and that was my truth.”

She wrote that now, “having been through hell and back with my health and other people’s perceptions of my physicality,” she feels much more at ease with her body.

Or, as she said, “I feel deeply comfortable with the idea that this pear-shaped pot of honey is equally good for making people laugh and laying out like a Suicide Girl circa 2004.”

“Love it all,” she finished.

And it looks like Lena isn’t alone in loving it all, either.

“Thanks Lena for being so inspiring,” one of her followers wrote, “and for helping me and all the girls out there to be, day by day, more confident and positive about our bodies.”

Another person told her “Your body and your mind are beautiful, the both of them. Keep writing intelligent, witty and socially critical pieces. You are a true inspiration.”

“Glad you’re loving the skin you’re in,” yet another wrote. “You’re giving women permission to do the same and make friends with their own bodies.”

Sure, there were plenty of inappropriate responses — things about “dipping fingers in the honey pot” and general criticism of her body.

But Lena loves herself and the way she looks, and it seems like most other people do, too.

And isn’t that just so special?
