Thursday, June 8, 2017

Ariana Grande: Watch The Hero We Need Perform in Paris!

Knowing how to go on with your life is one of the most important things in the face of terrible tragedies.

But it"s even more vital in the aftermath of a terrorist attack.

That"s why it"s so good to see that Ariana Grande has been able to carry on with her Dangerous Woman Tour.

The bombing attack at her Manchester concert was horrible.

22 people died, including an 8-year-old girl.

It was a vicious attack using an explosive that sent improvised shrapnel — including nails — hurtling into nearby victims.

Many of Ariana"s concert attendees are minors, including younger children. A lot of parents were also present.

The attacker no doubt chose the victims and vanue for maximum effect.

In response, Ariana had initially canceled her Dangerous Woman tour, issuing a statement about how devastated she was.

It"s so important to remember that Ariana wasn"t just feeling sorry for her fans who were dead, injured, and traumatized.

She was also there. She was also a victim and also a survivor of the attack.

That"s always going to leave an emotional mark, no matter how strong someone is.

Trauma is powerful and ugly and it can prevent people from living their lives.

Ariana"s memorial performance in Manchester featured numerous other performers, including Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber.

One Love Manchester was an overall success and a heartwarming tribute to the victims, including both those who made it and those who did not.

It was safe and sent out a powerful message that healing is possible even in the wake of horror.

There"s something to be said about the state of the world when the likes of Justin Bieber does more to support the British people than the US President at the time.

The good news new, for multiple reasons, is that Ariana"s tour has officially resumed.

She performed in Paris, France, going through a series of current and older hits but also covering "Somewhere Over the Rainbow."

A beautiful, hopeful anthem that older people who (for whatever reason) aren"t her fans might find more accessible than, say, "Side To Side."

Here"s why that"s a good thing:

First of all, Ariana"s fans deserve to get to see her Dangerous Woman concert. Not just because they"ve been waiting for it, but because the evil deeds of evil men shouldn"t rob people all over the world of their happiness.

Second of all, it shows other aspiring terrorists, whether they"re already part of groups like Daesh or are simply disaffected losers who "self-radicalize" because they want to feel important, that their efforts won"t work.

That means that their efforts to demonize Muslims living in predominantly Christian countries won"t work.

But also that their attempts to strike blows at cultural values that they don"t share won"t work.

We are all defiant in the face of terrorism, as we should be.

Not for nothing, but continuing with her tour also means that Ariana Grande herself is working through her trauma.

After everything, we would have completely understood if she"d just decided to curl up in her house for a few years.

Instead, she visited surviving victims in their hospital rooms, held a memorial concert, and is going to continue to bring joy to the world.

She truly is the hero we need.

Now, watch her moving performance — and that massive, undeterred audience.

Ariana grande terrorism wont stop my dangerous woman tour