Thursday, June 22, 2017

Adam Lind: Losing Custody of His Daughter?!

Could it really be true? Is it actually happening?

At long last, has someone finally had the sense to realize that Adam Lind has absolutely no business parenting a child, or being anywhere near one?

Praise be.

In light of a series of court documents that have come to light, we’ve realized that Adam is somehow way worse than we ever imagined.

Which is impressive, because we already imagined him to be significantly terrible.

According to the documents, Adam failed a drug test — he had a “substantial” amount of meth in his system.

Wouldn’t a substantial amount of meth be any amount of meth? It doesn’t exactly seem to be one of those substances that’s OK to use in moderation.

It’s also worth pointing out that meth leaves the system quickly, so for Adam to test positive at all, much less for a large amount, indicates that he was doing a whole, whole lot of meth.

Oh, and that drug test he failed? It was done right before he was scheduled to have Paislee, his youngest daughter, for the weekend.

And you’d think that after all this talk of meth, that would be enough to send the guy off to rehab and take away his custody, right?

But there’s more!

Taylor Halbur, Adam’s ex and the mother of Paislee, filed documents in regards to their custody case, and her claims were also pretty scandalous.

She called him a “dangerous person,” and says that his life has “spun out of control” in recent years.

We can see it.

Taylor claimed that Adam suffers from “serious anger issues,” and that when they were still together, he killed two of her puppies.

She also said that he uses steroids, and that once he knocked her to the ground when she was holding little baby Paislee.

Take all that information, throw in Adam’s numerous DUIs and his appalling behavior on Teen Mom 2

He’s an awful human being, that much is obvious.

And now we’re learning that, thanks to all of that, the court has made the decision to suspend all of his rights — his custodial rights and his rights to visitation.

Which means that, as of now, at least, he no longer has custody of Paislee!

As far as we know, he still has the same deal he’s always had with Aubree, his daughter with Chelsea Houska — supervised visitation with his parents.

It’s probably because there are slightly different circumstances in regards to Paislee.

Taylor has claimed that he was violent in her presence, and his failed drug test happened right before a visit with her, not Aubree.

Taylor also says that Paislee is now having some behavioral problems that require counseling, which is absolutely heartbreaking.

It also seems like it would be a bad idea to have her around a person like Adam in that state.

But still, hopefully this move will make it easier for Chelsea to do the same for Aubree.

And then, after that glorious day, we’d never have to hear from Adam Lind again.

We can dream, right?
