Friday, June 9, 2017

Josh Duggar Spotted on Camera: Does He Have a Secret Social Media Account?

Ever since the world learned about the shocking news that Josh Duggar molested five young girls when he was in his teens, the former reality star has kept a low profile for obvious reasons.

When – against all odds – the Duggars returned to TV with Counting On, they reportedly promised TLC that Josh would never appear on camera.

Thus far, they’ve mostly kept that promise (Josh was removed from scenes shot at Jinger Duggar’s wedding in post-production.), but that doesn’t mean the 29-year-old sex offender has remained completely hidden from view:

That’s Josh in a video that was posted on YouTube by his brother-in-law David Waller.

Waller is the husband of Anna Duggar’s sister Priscilla Waller.

In the clip – which was discovered by the folks at Starcasm – Josh can be seen participating in a Mother’s Day surprise part for Anna and Priscilla’s mother at her home in Florida.

It’s believed to be the first time that footage of Josh has been shared in a public venue in over two years.

The father of four can be seen several times, beginning at the 1:42 mark:

Interestingly, Josh appears to be documenting the proceedings himself.

He has phone out for much of the clip and appears to be shooting video.

This may seem inconsequential at first, but it begs the question: Where does Josh intend to share his footage?

It would be strange to go to shoot so much footage and not post it online somewhere, but officially, Josh is not on social media.

Staying offline almost entirely is said to be one of the rules he’s forced to follow as part of his ongoing treatment for sex addiction.

In fact, sources close to the family have claimed that Josh is not allowed to have a smartphone.

Unless he’s using someone else’s phone in the video, that seems to be a rule he’s chosen to disregard.

And the fact that he’s using that phone for video purposes suggests that there’s a secret Josh Duggar account hidden somewhere in the vast social media landscape.

Given his history, we hope it’s closely monitored.

Watch Counting On online to try and spot Josh for yourself.
