Monday, June 12, 2017

Demi Lovato: Here"s How I Feel About Wilmer Valderrama!

For a guy whose last name looks like “drama” if you squint at it just right, Wilmer Valderrama seems to be living a drama-free life these days.

But he has his share of exes … and his recent ex, Demi Lovato, is happy to let the world know where they stand.

Demi Lovato is strong and talented and a genuinely good person, but even she uses Instagram stories, which is the most annoying feature that Instagram has implemented since making it impossible to right-click to save photos.

In this instance, she used stories to post a snap of herself with ex-boyfriend Wilmer Valderrama, looking cozy with each other.

Wilmer attended a barbeque that Demi threw to celebrate LA Pride over the weekend, and though it’s been more than a year since they broke off their six-year relationship, they’re clearly anything but stereotypical awkward exes.

Deciding that the photo wasn’t enough, Demi elaborated with a caption:

“Best of friends no matter what.”

She then tagged his Instagram handle. Take a look:

They look as cute as ever.

Yes, it looks like Demi Lovato is joining Mandy Moore — also a talented singer, also Wilmer’s ex — in Mandy’s habit of perennially running into Wilmer and sharing an amicable photo or two.

In Mandy’s case, that took some time, as he’d said some honestly pretty gross stuff about his relationship with Mandy in a Howard Stern interview.

But sometimes time heals some wounds, you know?

For Demi, even though they’d ended a six-year relationship, it never seemed like the end of an epic struggle.

Honestly, Demi had been dating him since she was a teenager — like, he’s 13 years older than she is, and their relationship got plenty of side-eye because of that age gap and because of how young Demi was when it started.

We’ll never know everything that went into their split.

Our feeling is that Demi entered the relationship as a teen and sort of needed to experience being in the world as herself, outside of the context of their relationship.

We can’t help but wonder if Demi was also wondering what dating within her own age group might be like.

Demi has dabbled in dating since then, and so has Wilmer.

But neither have plunged straight into another six-year relationship, which is honestly a good thing.

Long-term relationships don’t need to come back-to-back.

Now, we don’t think that her photo or caption was supposed to be a sign that they’re getting back together.

When they split, Demi said that they’d agreed that they were better off as best friends.

It looks like she’s just affirming that.

Of course, they each have their own lives, but there are different definitions of “best friend.”

Hell, some people use “best friend” as a tier of friendship rather than a position, but that’s its own can of worms.

Honestly? We should all break up on such good terms that we’d happily invite our exes to barbecues with no ulterior motives.

Because no, it doesn’t count if you invite them over hoping for a convenient, familiar hookup.

It extra doesn’t count if you invite your ex-spouse over to introduce them to your charming coworker in the hopes that they’ll hit it off an you won’t have to keep paying alimony.

Also, really either of those would have been a gross misuse of a Pride celebration.

We love that they’re way more mature about their breakup than a lot of actors who are way older than either of them, though.
