Sunday, June 18, 2017

Beyonce: Her Twins Remain Hospitalized for Health Issue

By now, you’ve surely heard the good news.

Beyonce has given birth to her twins!

The world feels different now, doesn’t it? More beautiful. More pure. Just better in an oddly tangible way.

The twins were born days ago, most likely on Monday — that’s why we’ve been hearing whispers and rumors all week, and also why Jay Z and Beyonce haven’t been spotted in a while.

We still don’t know the names of the new babies, and since it’s taken nearly a week to learn of their entrance into the world, we don’t expect to hear them anytime soon.

But multiple outlets are reporting that Beyonce gave birth to one boy and one girl.

It’s enough to bring a tear to your eye, isn’t it?

Unfortunately, according to some new information from TMZ, there is an issue with the babies.

There aren’t many details, but a source has told the site that doctors have noticed a “minor issue” with the twins, but it’s significant enough that they’re keeping them hospitalized.

As of now, there’s no word on what that issue could be, but the source insists that it’s not a huge deal.

Beyonce is still in the hospital too, but she’s said to be healthy.

The source says that doctors aren’t sure when everyone will be able to be released.

While this sounds alarming, and while it makes sense that you’d be rushing to your Beyonce altars to pray, there are plenty of reasons why the twins are staying in the hospital for now.

They could have had a low birth weight, which isn’t uncommon for twins.

They could also have jaundice, which would also make sense if they’re on the smaller side.

It could also be a number of other things — there are plenty of “minor issues” that could affect newborns enough to require hospitalization.

Whatever the issue is, it sounds like it’s under control, and that it’ll just take time to get the babies to the point they need to be to go home.

And it can’t be too bad — Beyonce’s father, Mathew Knowles, seems pretty happy about his new grandchildren.

“They’re here!” he wrote on Twitter, along with a sweet little card that read “Happy Birthday to the twins! Love, Grandad.”

Beyonce and Jay Z still haven’t made the official announcement — we’re sure they have other things on their minds at the moment.

But we’re sure it’ll be coming soon now.

Again, congrats to the new family of five!
