Tuesday, August 22, 2017

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 7 Recap: A Brand New Feud

Tamra Judge and Shannon Beador have been at odds with Vicki Gunvalson for months on end, but is there any hope for them to kiss and make up?

That’s what Lydia McLaughlin was hoping for on The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 7 as she got set to launch her joint magazine venture with her husband. 

When the episode gets underway, Lydia felt like it was time for Vicki and Tamra to put their beef aside in the hopes of partying like the good old days when they were less toxic to one another. 

She manages to get them to agree on a time and place to meet up and hash out their differences. The good thing about Lydia is that she will not take no for an answer. 

Things take a crazy turn when Peggy takes it upon herself to imply that Tamra is the one in the wrong and should probably stop bickering with Vicki and let the feud die… before it’s too late. 

With Peggy trying to play a peacekeeper, will Lydia want to argue with her on camera? That sounds like a possibility. Two peacekeepers in the same friendship circle tend to go to war. 

As expected, Tamra is not impressed that Peggy meddled in her feud with Vicki. And so, a brand new feud is born, but does that mean Vicki is off the hook?

Well, would there be a show without Vicki being trashed by her co-stars? I think not. Lydia stayed out of Peggy’s comments because when you think about it, what does Peggy really know about the women she is telling to get a grip?

Lydia has years of friendship on her side, so it’s evident she is just wanting her pals to sip some martinis together again. Peggy, on the other hand, is likely trying her hand at getting some air time. 

Lydia’s relationship with Doug seemed to be thriving, but could part of that be down to the fact he is showering her with gifts?

I mean, it’s great they have the new venture and are making it a success and all, but he’s spending SO MUCH on her. Maybe I’m just a little jealous because she got two cars, but still, SO MUCH money. 

Tamra got some time to shine and chatted about her daughter. Yeah, the one who has been trashing her mother all over social media over the last few weeks. 

Tamra seems to think Eddie is to blame for her daughter’s self-imposed exile from her life, but is there some underlying issue we are privy to?

The main reason Tamra is pissed with Vicki is because of the crazy ass comments Vicki had about the marriage.

It’s difficult enough to put things in the past, but when you know people think your marriage is a sham, how do you really mingle with them without hurling a few cocktails in their direction?

With the growing tensions between Tamra and Peggy, will that allow Vicki fall through the cracks and forge a friendship with Tamra again?

Probably not, but I can’t wait to find out. 

What do you think of all the drama?

Sound off below!
