Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 19 Recap: Who Got a Divorce?

The ladies continued to be at odds on The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 19, and one of them had marital woes that were just too difficult not to confront. 

When the episode got underway, Kelly Dodd decided her marriage was now a sham and talked to her mother about what she could do to salvage it. 

Her main issue with Michael is that he can be the nicest man in the world one minute, and a jerk the next. She has never heard that it takes two to tango. 

Kelly’s mother seemed actually to have a brain and noted that no marriage is perfect. Maybe she realized her daughter was part of the reason why it was failing. 

Meghan decided it was time to get the ladies together to celebrate the launch of her candle collection, The King Collection. But Kelly’s husband refused to get in a car with David Beador. 

Kelly wanted him to play nice so that everyone could just move on, but the man was having none of it. In his eyes, David was a villain and had to be dealt with as such. 

When the ladies assemble, it emerges that Tamra had not said anything to Vicki since Iceland. As is always the case on this show, Tamra was blaming Vicki for the whole thing and wanted her to be the one to reach out. 

Tamra then opened up about Vicki avoiding Eddie and planting a story to the tabloids. All of this only served to make everyone realize that there was no way Vicki was going to change. 

Peggy then went on an apology tour and apologized to Meghan for what she said about her kid crying and not getting attention. After that, Lydia thought it would be a good idea for all of the women to make amends. 

Kelly and Peggy had an in-depth conversation, and Kelly thought it would be a good time to apologize for what she said about her dad calling Peggy’s dad. 

These two do make a good pairing, but they’re not really bringing enough drama to the table, and maybe it’s time to refresh the cast somewhat. 

Tamra made up with Diko, and it became clear this episode was all about closure, which makes me think something drastic is in store for the next season. 

Tamra tried to get Peggy and Shannon back in good graces, but Shannon sulked her way out of the situation. She’s over trying to play nice with people who are going to drag her down to the ground. 

Shannon did not want to be put in the middle of the argument in the first place, so she felt like she was brought into it for no apparent reason.

The attention quickly turned to Kelly, who was officially finished with Michael. So, she decided to have Vicki dole out some marriage counseling to her. 

It results in Michael departing the situation. Vicki wanted to know the truth about the extent of their marital woes. Kelly made it clear that the marriage was done with. 

And that’s a wrap on another season of crazy drama. 

What did you think of it? Was it a great ending?

Sound off below!
