Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Jennifer Lawrence Claps WAY Back at "Sexist, Ridiculous" Dress Ridicule

Jennifer Lawrence stars in a new film titled Red Sparrow.

In reality, however, the actress is red with anger at the moment over the way some people have reacted to the sight of her in a revealing black dress.

Allow us to explain:

Earlier this week, Lawrence took part in a London-based photo call along with co-stars Joel Edgerton, Jeremy Irons and Matthias Schoenaerts, along with director Francis Lawrence.

She was the only woman in a shoot that took place outside on a rooftop, and she bared a whole lot of skin for the event, rocking a Versace gown that exposed her shoulders, her cleavage and her left leg.

She looked positively amazing.

But a handful of social media users who likely thought of themselves as very woke to the #MeToo Movement lashed out at this set-up.

They simply presumed that Lawrence, as a woman, was forced to dress in a scantily-clad manner… while the men were allowed to bundle up and actually dress for the weather.

To wit:

“It must be about 3 degrees in London ATM, cold enough that the bloke actors have to wear coats and scarves to their press call and yet poor Jennifer Lawrence is wearing a small amount of fabric some might call a dress,” one person Tweeted.

This person was obviously trying to be on Team Jennifer.

But Jennifer herself has now come out and made it clear she doesn’t need any cheerleaders, thank you very much!

She is anything but a damsel in distress.

(Or a damsel stuck in a sexy dress, one might say.)

“Wow. I don’t really know where to get started on this ‘Jennifer Lawrence wearing a revealing dress in the cold’ controversy,” the actress wrote on Facebook.

She then clapped back against the so-called scandal. HARD.

“This is not only utterly ridiculous, I am extremely offended,” the 27-year old added.

“That Versace dress was fabulous, you think I’m going to cover that gorgeous dress up with a coat and a scarf? I was outside for 5 minutes.

“I would have stood in the snow for that dress because I love fashion and that was my choice.”

Hear that, folks?

Jennifer Lawrence knows all about sexism in Hollywood and wants to make it clear that this was NOT an example of it.

“This is sexist, this is ridiculous, this is not feminism,” continued to pissed-off star.

“Over- reacting about everything someone says or does, creating controversy over silly innocuous things such as what I choose to wear or not wear, is not moving us forward.

“It’s creating silly distractions from real issues. Get a grip people. Everything you see me wear is my choice.

“And if I want to be cold THATS MY CHOICE TOO!”

Game. Set. Match, J. Law.

This is not some “poor” woman who needs anyone to fight her battles for her.

This is frickin Katniss Everdeen, people! She can handle her own business.
