Thursday, February 15, 2018

Farrah Abraham vs. Courtland Rogers: Bizarre Teen Mom Feud Alert!

There have been many epic feuds in the long and storied history of the Teen Mom franchise:

Jenelle Evans vs. Kailyn Lowry, Jenelle Evans vs. Nathan Griffith, Jenelle Evans vs. common decency – but this latest might be the most unexpected battle yet.

And of course, it involves Jenelle Evans.

This week’s episode of Teen Mom OG included an unexpected pseudo-cameo from Jenelle.

Yes, her awfulness is such that Teen Mom 2 can no longer contain it.

Back in November, Farrah Abraham’s mother, Debra Danielsen got married, and it seems the wedding had quite an unusual guest list.

Longtime TM devotees will remember Courtland Rogers as Jenelle’s ex-boyfriend.

If you’re having trouble remembering him, Courtland was the heroin addict who went to prison.

Fortunately, these days, it seems Courtland has turned his life around.

He’s out of jail; he’s sober, and he’s BFFs with Debra.

Okay, BFFs might be a bit of an exaggeration, but for some reason, Courtland was invited to Deb’s wedding.

On this week’s episode of Teen Mom OG, Farrah learned that her mother had invited Courtland to her wedding 

 “When we got back from Italy, Jenelle from Teen Mom 2 reached out and told me that one of her exes is invited to my mom’s wedding,” Farrah says to her father, Michael Abraham.

“She for some reason texted me that Courtland is going to my mom’s wedding.”

Farrah adds:

“But she was like, ‘Courtland is a criminal, this, this, this, and this.’”

“Jenelle obviously feels that there’s an issue there, that’s why she contacted you,” Michael says. 

“I mean, your mom has a sweepstakes, is going to invite fans, blah blah-blah blah-blah.” 

Michael then pointed out that Farrah’s co-star, Amber Portwood, was also invited to the wedding, which is more than a bit strange, considering Farrah and Amber fought during the taping of a Teen Mom OG reunion show.

Farrah responded with some Farrah-style word salad about how Deb sucks, and she sympathizes with Courtland, but he also sucks.

“I think that’s pathetic,” Farrah concludes. 

“And that’s not what a wedding’s about. I mean, honestly whatever she wants her wedding to be — which is a three-ring circus — I’ll send a clown, but, like, I’m not going to be there or my daughter. And I don’t want to be around anyone who is an issue.”

Farrah adds:

“I’m not even a criminal, but I have people who try to condemn me or make me out to be a bad person every day, so if anyone understands, it’s me, but and now, from what Jenelle is telling me, horrible — horribleness, I don’t think that person’s changed and I still think she’s in denial about that.”

Yeah, as usual, we’re not really sure what she’s trying to say.

Later in the episode, Farrah calls Deb to confront her about her decision to invite Courtland.

“You know what? Anybody who has to call other people criminals are nothing but afraid of facing reality that everybody sins,” a combative Deb argues.

“So mom, why don’t you shut up so you can un-confuse your brain?” Farrah replies, unexpectedly dropping another classically dumb quote on viewers.

From there, Farrah points out that it’s weird Deb invited Courtland but not Jenelle.

At this point, our minds are blown because it’s a conversation between Farrah and Deb in which both parties actually make good points.

Next thing you know, Jenelle will enter anger management.

Watch Teen Mom OG online to witness the cross-over insanity for yourself.
