Thursday, February 22, 2018

Jessa Duggar: PROOF That Shes"s Pregnant With Baby #3!

Jessa Duggar has been keeping a low profile in recent weeks.

That can only mean one thing, of course.

Jessa is pregnant with her third child!

Okay, so it could mean many different things, but for obvious reasons, fans assume absentee Duggars are expecting.

And this time, they may have evidence to support their suspicions.

According to In Touch, an anonymous Duggar insider answered fan questions on Reddit this week.

In the past, these AMA (“ask me anything”) sessions have yielded some accurate and useful information.

So it stands to reason that Duggar fans take them as gospel.

“I have some insider news… Jessa is preggers!” the insider wrote.

The source went on to offer some credentials:

“I have evangelical family members who live near Fayetteville and they run with the same crowd as the Duggars, who they mingle with sometimes,” she claimed.

“I visited them last week/weekend and my cousin took me and my one-year-old with her and her kids to a group playdate thing at someone’s house, and Jessa was there with her boys.”

She added that Jessa, though not unfriendly, was a bit standoffish:

“Jessa didn’t say much to me and she — and a few other moms — kind of had an air around them that exuded exclusivity if you know what I mean?” she wrote.

“I got the vibe that she disliked outsiders so I didn’t try to talk to her.

“But she had a noticeable baby bump. Her shirt was somewhat tight so it was obvious that she was pregnant and definitely past the stage of eating too much for dinner the previous night. She appeared 3-4 months pregnant.”

Okay, so maybe it’s not the world’s most reliable account, but coming on the heels of recent reports about Jessa being pregnant, it sounds a bit more convincing.

For their part, Jessa and Ben have remained mum, but insiders say they talk about expanding their family almost constantly.

In other words, don’t be surprised to hear an official announcement in the very near future.

In the meantime, watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.
