Thursday, February 15, 2018

Kris Jenner: Does Kendall Jenner Need to Be Hospitalized?

Kris Jenner isn"t just a momager — she"s a mother who comes running when her children need help. And her kids are no stranger to a crisis or two.

In the Keeping Up With The Kardashians preview clip that you"ll see below, Kendall Jenner calls in an absolute panic.

It"s so bad that Kris asks if she needs to go to the hospital.

Kris jenner on the phoneKendalls anxiety 1

Kris Jenner has a reputation as a calculating woman who profits from the (relative) misfortunes that her family members face.

Perhaps that is true. She"s certainly a master at branding and at turning every disadvantage into an advantage.

But Kris Jenner certainly loves her children, and would do anything for them.

And that"s very apparent in this clip, as she answers a phone call from a distraught Kendall.

"Have you eaten something? Do you want me to come take you to the hospital? OK, I"m going to come get you, where are you?"

Kendalls anxiety 2

Kim, who has honestly looked better than she is here when she"s sporting this casual look that seems borrowed from Iggy Azalea, quietly confides:

"This is why she has psoriasis."

Psoriasis is a condition in which skin cells build up, forming dry, itchy patches. It is, to be clear, a chronic autoimmune condition.

Kim goes on to say:

"Every kid has an emergency, every day."

It"s not clear if Kim is counting herself as one of those "kids" or not.

Kris jenner on the phone

Kris continues her conversation with Kendall, who says that Kris doesn"t need to pick her up because Kendall is very near Caitlyn Jenner"s house.

"Literally, two seconds from dad"s house."

Kris goes on to assure her that she could be there in 15 minutes if she needs her. But maybe just hearing her mother"s voice was helpful enough to get her over to Cait"s.

Kris then explains about Kendall:

"She doesn"t feel well, and she"s not quite sure what it is."

Kris jenner confessional

In a confessional video, Kris Jenner then explains (while wearing some incredible, hard-to-miss lip gloss) that Kendall"s faced this sort of situation before:

"Kendall struggles from anxiety and I think she has so much going on that she gets herself really worked up."

There are flashbacks of Kendall freaking out in the past. 

Honestly … a lot of people would find that really, truly relatable.

"Kendall gets the most anxious during fashion weeks and when she"s traveling a lot. …Trying to juggle it all is overwhelming."

Remember, Kendall is a professional model. There"s a lot of pressure involved.

Kendalls anxiety 3

In a flashback, Kendall talks about how anxious she is, on planes and elsewhere.

"I have such debilitating anxiety because of everything going on that I literally wake up in the middle of the night with full-on panic attacks."

Anxiety disorders are serious business and can impact all sorts of people. Kendall, it seems, gets really worked up when she goes online.

"Where do I even start? Everything is so horrible, it’s hard to name one thing. I just think that the world needs so much love. I wish I had the power to send Cupid around the planet, as cheesy as that sounds."

This is what upsets her.

"You go online and you see everyone saying the worst things to each other, and it’s hard to stay positive. It’s hard not to get eaten alive by all the negativity."

Honestly? We"d recommend that she spend time on social media under a pseudonym and just carefully curate which people she follows and doesn"t follow. That can make a world of difference.

Here"s the clip:

Kris jenner offers to take anxious kendall jenner to the hospita