Tuesday, February 27, 2018

The Voice Recap: Kelly Clarkson Joins the Panel!

The Voice Season 14 is a go, and that can only mean one thing:

A new wave of singers will engage in a fight to the death with the aim of emerging with a recording contract, some recognition, and hopefully, some staying power. 

The judging panel consisted of Kelly Clarkson and Alicia Keys, and of course, Adam Levine and Blake Shelton. The latter two are likely going to be with the show until the bitter end at this stage. 

Why leave when you’re getting a healthy salary, and some recognition? The show still rates very well, so there’s that. 

Let’s break down the first batch of Blind Auditions to see who emerged from the rest, and who is already circling the drain. 

Britton Buchanan – “Trouble”

17-year-old, Britton, took to the stage first and his voice was one you would expect to make far into the competition. It was filled with solid moments. 

The kid looks like someone you would expect to be in a boyband from the 1990s, but he’s got just enough charisma for an entire band. 

He advanced to the next stage. Let’s face it; there would have been shouting from the streets if he was sent packing after that performance. 

Rayshun LaMarr – “Don’t Stop Believing”

While Britton had a lot of charisma, Rayshun did not. His performance of the Journey classic was stilted, and not very pleasant to the ears. 

It was not a great first attempt, but he advanced to the next stage. Will he be able to get a handle on his voice before it’s too late?

Kyla Jade – “See Saw”

Once upon a time, Kyla was a backup singer for the one and only Jennifer Hudson. Her solo performance on The Voice was something else. 

She needs to make a clause in her contract with the show that only allows her to perform Aretha Franklin songs because there was something so compelling about her performance. 

She knew what was expected of her and went the extra mile. More like this, please!

Kelsea Johnson –  “Like I’m Gonna Lose You”

This 21-year-old delivered a performance that was full of energy, excitement, and talent. She kept control of her beautiful voice throughout. 

In turn, she was rewarded with a spot in the next stage of the competition. Not bad. 

Drew Cole – “Sex and Candy ”

Drew is a 25-year-old bartender who “did not move to Los Angeles to be a bartender.” The good thing about him is that his voice is different enough from the others in the competition. 

On a show like The Voice, it’s essential to make a lasting impression and Drew accomplished that goal. 

D.R. King – “Believer”

D.R. struggled throughout his performance. It was not the most stable and made us wonder whether there was something else going on. 

Maybe he could not get on board with the whole being on the show thing, but still, we’re surprised he made it through to the next stage. 

Justin Kilgore – “Tomorrow”

Well, this may be our new contender to win the whole thing. He secured a four-chair turn that found the coaches battling to get the kid on their team. 

He was polished and seemed to know what sound he was going for. That’s a big positive, and it means the coaches will get an early lead if they get him on board. 

Kelly secured Justin, and all was right in the world!

What did you think of the latest season opener?

The Voice continues tonight on NBC. 
