Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Jenelle Evans: Yes, I Did Drugs While I Was Pregnant

Obviously, Jenelle Evans is no one’s idea of a perfect mother.

Concerns about Jenelle’s parenting skills are common amongst Teen Mom fans, but many of the controversies for which she’s criticized amount to nothing more than lapses in judgment.

The same can’t be said about the latest scandal surrounding Jenelle’s relationship with her three children.

For several months now, we’ve been hearing rumors about Jenelle doing drugs while she was pregnant with her daughter, Ensley.

Appearing on Vince Russo’s The Brand podcast this week, Jenelle finally responded to the allegations and confirmed the worst fears of many fans. 

“I’m not going to lie about that,” she said.

“I tested positive for THC and Ensley did not test positive. I did. So CPS were like — I was in the hospital — they said, ‘Did you smoke when you were pregnant?’ I said, ‘I did within the past 30 days. I said I have really bad esophageal spasms and I throw up every 5 minutes, I can’t even eat,"” she added.

“And they said, ‘Okay, some moms do that. We are not here to judge, we are writing down your information.’”

We think Jenelle might be confusing pity with absolution here, and while it’s good that Ensley didn’t test positive, CPS workers are not medical professionals and are not in a position to assure Jenelle that she didn’t cause harm to her child by smoking pot while pregnant.

In all likelihood, Ensley is just fine, but Jenelle’s flippant dismissal of the situaion is still troubling.

She goes on to assure Russo and his listeners that her experiences with CPS have been mostly positive, saying:

“And after I had Ensley they said CPS will just come by to do a [wellness] check since you tested positive,” Evans continued.

“They came and did a [wellness] checkup and everything is fine. They closed the case.”

She goes on to reveal that she’s no stranger to government investigations regarding her parenting:

“CPS has been here like 30 times, not just for that, but for haters online saying that I abuse my kids. So they came and checked up on that,” Jenelle says with a chilling lack of self-awareness.

“First of all if I were on drugs I wouldn’t be able to sit here in the morning and get the kids ready and eat healthily. Or I’d be losing a lot of weight.”

Currently, Jenelle is locked in custody battles with both her mother (who is the primary caregiver of her eldest son, Jace) and her ex-fiance, Nathan Grffiith (who seeks to attain sole custody of her other son, Kaiser).

We’re guessing Jenelle’s latest confession won’t help her chances.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to remind yourself of how easy it will be for Babs and Nathan to make the case that Jenelle has no business raising kids.
