Thursday, February 15, 2018

Audrey Roloff Shares #3sentencelovestory About Jeremy

Audrey Roloff has a few things she would like to say about Jeremy Roloff.

Actually, to be specific, Audrey Roloff has three sentences she would like to say about Jeremy Roloff.

Why has the Little People, Big World star limited the amount she can gush over the love of her life and the father of her child?

Because Roloff is encouraging followers to share their “#3sentencelovestory” on Instagram.

We’ll let Audrey explain…

“JOIN US TODAY!!!! Every Valentine’s Day we invite you all to post a photo of you and your Valentine and share your love story in 3 sentences in the caption using the hashtag #3sentencelovestory.”

As has been discussed often on this website, Audrey has never shied away from connecting her personal life to her professional/promotional life – and that’s exactly what she’s doing here as well.

Doing this will also enter you in an epic giveaway (see details on @beating50). Help us flood the internet with beautiful real love stories.

And because Roloff has also never been shy about discussing her marriage in public, she went ahead and got this exercise started for her followers.

“Here is my 3 sentence love story,” she wrote, prior to cheating just a little bit by jotting down what many would refer to as some serious run-on sentences while explaining how she met and fell for Jeremy Roloff.

Here’s the tale:

We were freshman in college when our good friends set up on a blind date before church, and from that day forward he was patiently persistent, I was stubborn and guarded.

After a two year friendship. he said “will you be mine” up on the railroad tracks, and that’s when we began 3-years of writing each other letters on our type writers while we endured a long distance relationship.

Our long-distance relationship ended in an unbreakable covenant on September 20th 2014, and since then we have continued to grow in oneness, Godliness, and more in love… always more.

We suppose, technically, that’s three sentences.

But we understand why Audrey had to be liberal with the length of the sentences, considering how she feels about her soulmate.

That’s a pretty extensive story, too, huh?

It sounds like Audrey and Jeremy really did walk the walk, as well, doesn’t it?

Roloff has talked in the past about how God wants one to wait to have sex until one is married.

And while she doesn’t explicitly bring up the subject of boning here, she does make it apparent that the pair took it VERY slowly in their relationship.

It all worked out for them in the end, though, didn’t it?

Jeremy and Audrey welcomed daughter Ember Jean into their universe in September.

Both admitted early on that the adjustment to being parents was challenging, especially when it came to breastfeeding for Audrey.

But they persevered, they relied on each other and on their faith… and here they are now!

And here’s their precious bundle of joy. Pretty incredible, isn’t she?
