Monday, February 19, 2018

Farrah Abraham SLAMS Jenelle Evans Over Pro-Gun Posts

Wednesday was Valentine’s Day and was also Ash Wednesday for Catholics. It was also the day of a devastating school shooting at a Florida high school where a former student murdered 17 and left countless others wounded and traumatized.

In the immediate aftermath, Jenelle Evans was slammed for an insensitive shooting post. Suffice it to say that it was in incredibly poor taste.

Now, even Farrah Abraham can tell that Jenelle is in the wrong, and she’s bashing the gun-loving Carolina Hurricane.

Many hope that the anti-gun movement sparked by the terrible shooting and led by vocal teen survivors will finally lead to change that can outweigh the millions spent by the NRA to keep weapons of war in circulation.

Jenelle Evans and her husband, David Eason, clearly feel differently. That’s not really a surprise from one of the Teen Mom franchise’s most controversial couples.

In a photo posted on Wednesday, and on which David Eason has now disabled comments on Instagram, Jenelle Evans can be seen posing with a gun.

“My babes a bad ass babe!” David Eason writes in the caption. “Happy Valentine’s day!”

It didn’t go over well with fans. Or with just about anyone else.

Some even wonder (or hope) that Jenelle Evans will get fired over all of this.

Farrah Abraham finally, finally has the moral high ground.

In a statement to InTouch Weekly, Farrah Abraham blasts Jenelle Evans’ gun photo and she has zero chill about it.

“I feel that after years and years of horrible mass gun violence at schools, and those who were the gun shooters who killed many innocent lives,” Farrah begins.

“Wanting the attention from a gun with an act of violence — I think it’s really horrible Jenelle and her husband show the same traits as a mentally unstable killer, by wanting attention from a gun.”

That’s an odd way of phrasing things, but it looks like she’s saying that the parallels are disturbing.

To be clear, though, blaming “mental instability” for violence might be a stretch. It’s worth noting that the vast majority of people with mental illness are not violent.

Jenelle obviously gets in some digs at Teen Mom in thep rocess.

“I no longer want to be associated with the Teen Mom franchise.”

Good luck with that — it’s what made you famous. People still refer to how Britney Spears started off on The Mickey Mouse Club.

“And I hope the appropriate government jurisdictions start changing gun laws and our President Donald Trump can start limiting gun violence in the appropriate ways.”

A lot of us are hopeful for change, of course, though if Farrah’s really looking to Trump to change things … well, there’s optimism and then there’s that.

Farrah speaks about the measures that she takes to keep her daughter, Sophia, safe.

“As a parent, I will not allow my child to go to a public school setting for these very reasons of gun violence.”

Gotta point out here that, statistically, school is still one of the safest places that a child can be. Also, mall shootings, street shootings, and theater shootings are also things. You can’t live your life in a panic room, and some question the opportunities that Sophia is missing.

“As I learned more about the recent act of gun violence, the FBI did not listen to the other students trying to warn about the killers intentions.”

Farrah uses her celebrity platform to boost the voices of teens. She’s totally right to do so.

“Children and teens must be heard as they say something when they see something. I hope our governments start acting on their part.”

In the mean time, David Eason has hit out at gun critics with one of the most astoundingly tone-deaf posts that you can imagine.

He shared an image that reads:

“Legal owners have over 200 million guns and 12 trillion rounds of ammo. Seriously people … if we were a problem … you’d know it.”

Obviously, that post totally misses the point — because gun critics point out that they are a problem, because mass shootings happen so regularly that many of them barely make the news.

In the captions, David wrote:

“Everyone needs to focus on keeping their family protected and safe instead of focusing on how to deplete our country of its self protection rights!”

Literally what does he think that people pushing for sensible firearm restrictions are trying to do? The whole idea is to keep people’s families protected and safe.

It’s worth noting that, culturally, Jenelle and David might not even see that they’ve done anything wrong.

Though North Carolina is a swing state featuring world-class universities and hospitals, Jenelle and David live in a conservative county in a conservative corner of the state. Gun culture flourishes in sparsely populated areas.

Anyone hoping that Jenelle and David change their ways need to realize that, well, enjoying owning weapons of war is far from the worst thing about either of these two, who are accused of being genuinely terrible parents.

Still, this time, even Farrah can see the issue clearly.

Some fans wonder if Jenelle will hit back at Farrah. After all, the Carolina Hurricane is no stranger to fights.
