Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Meghan Markle Speaks on "Fun" Bachelorette Party to Come!

Meghan Markle is not about the late some ignorant and cruel racists get her down.

Far from it, in fact.

On the heels of an elected official official being a stupid and awful A-Hole when it comes to Markle marrying Prince Harry, the future Royal spent time in Scotland this week.

According to various outlets, the beloved twosome arrived around lunch time yesterday to the Esplanade outside Edinburgh Castle, where they were welcomed to the city by the Royal Marines Scotland Band.

Markle, meanwhile, was asked a very important question by a native of this region, as someone named Tom Martin wanted to know if the ex-actress had her bachelorette party planned.

“We asked them what they were doing for their stag and hen dos,” Martin told People Magazine, adding:

“Meghan said, ‘I’m not sure – it’s sorted but it will be fun.”

It’s sorted, huh?

Sounds like Markle already has some British vernacular down.

Either that, or she’s been watching a lot of Harry Potter of late.

Many Internet users are likely wondering just who will be invited to Markle’s big party, and also what her definition of “fun” is exactly.

The star does have sort of a wild past, having posted in scantily-clad outfits often over the years.

In the case of this trip, however, the beloved couple had fun by hanging out with the mascot of the Royal Regiment of Scotland, a Shetland pony named Cruachan.

They had a chance to pet the horse in adorable footage actually captured by Kensington Palace.

Harry, for his part, also has a bit of a crazy past.

There are plenty of photos of him online that feature the Prince partying and drinking; nothing too out of the ordinary and certainly nothing illegal.

He remained mum on his stag party plans, however, Martin told People, simply relaying to the publication:

“I’m sure William’s got something up his sleeve,” Martin said.

Onlookers in Scotland said last night and this morning that Markle was a natural while interacting with them.

She’s getting more and more used to being on the public stage, joking with one woman how she loved the color of her nails and telling another that she really liked her purse.

The arrival of Markle and Harry kicked off a day of pre-Valentine’s events in the Scottish capital.

Once inside the castle, the celebrities will observe the firing of the One O’Clock Gun, a tradition that began in 1861.

After visiting this legendary castle, Harry and Meghan will head over to Edinburgh’s New Town to visit Social Bite, a café that gives out food and hot drinks to the homeless.

Pretty cool, huh?

Also, for their final event of the day, the engaged pair will attend a reception at the Palace of Holyroodhouse to celebrate youth achievements in Scotland’s Year of Young People 2018.

Finally, one more note about their wedding, which is scheduled for May 19, 2018.

Sources tell Entertainment Tonight that Markle wants Ed Sheeran to perform at the reception.

How cool would that be?!?
