Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra Confirm Miscarriage, Break Everyone"s Hearts

If you watched last night’s episode of Teen Mom OG, then you know that it contained some pretty heavy scenes.

And if you didn’t … well, just prepare yourself for these heartbreaking spoilers, OK?

During the episode, we saw Farrah lose her mind, just like always, we saw Gary deal with some paternity stuff, and we saw Maci consider a new treatment to deal with her PCOS.

But when it came to Catelynn and Tyler’s story, the story we’re going to be talking about right now, things got just a little more tragic.

For much of this season so far, we saw Catelynn and Tyler discuss having another baby. We saw her doctor’s visit when she had her IUD removed, and then her positive pregnancy test.

We saw her tell Tyler the good news, then we saw them tell their families.

But in this week’s episode, we learn that she suffered a miscarriage.

“It’s very traumatic,” Tyler explained to a producer after it happened. “When you see her shaking and she’s got blood everywhere … you don’t really know what to do.”

“She kind of cleaned herself up, and we kind of figured out what was going on. Spotting is normal, but all the clotting is not.”

After that, he said that they “just sat in the bed and cried and just held each other.”

Tyler then somehow managed to make the story even more tragic by saying “I mean, here’s nothing you can really do, so it felt very similar to Carly.”

Carly, of course, being the daughter they placed for adoption when they were teenagers.

“I mean, Carly’s a little different,” he admitted, “because we have to … we get to see her every year, but it’s a loss, and you feel it.”

“Like, I feel like you process it as a loss. So I guess it’s something I didn’t really understand before.”

Catelynn tried to deal with the loss a few different ways — she practiced breathing exercises, she used a mantra, that kind of thing.

But then a producer told Tyler that Cate had called her and told her that “she wanted to kill herself.”

We already know what happened from there — she checked into a treatment center in Arizona to deal with everything, spent six weeks there, and after a few weeks of being at home she went back for another round.

We never had any doubt that she truly needed the help, and honestly anyone who’s ever watched Teen Mom would likely agree, but after seeing this episode, we’re extra glad she took those steps to take care of herself.

It’s a good thing that Tyler’s been getting some therapy of his own, too, because it’s obvious the miscarriage affected him greatly as well.

As he explained on Twitter after the episode aired, “That baby may have not been fully grown in the womb… but it was fully grown in our hearts.”

“For every parent out there who has lost a baby…it is not your fault & it is more than acceptable & understandable to mourn the loss of that baby & take your time to grieve.”

It was a touching message, and it’s clear that it resonated strongly with many of his followers.

“Last night’s episode was hard,” one person replied to his tweet, “and you two are so damn strong! I wish I had someone who would have done for me what you did for Cate.”

“I’m sorry you guys had to go through that,” another person wrote. “I have had 2 miscarriages.. to most people it was just a lost pregnancy but for me I lost my 2 babies. I love you guys stay strong you will get through this in your own time and your own way.”

One women even commented that she’d had nine miscarriages, and that “it is the hardest thing in my life I had to go through.”

“I wish more people were vocal about it, as it stands it feels so taboo to talk about and makes you feel so alone when you have a miscarriage.”

As difficult as it must have been for Catelynn and Tyler to film throughout all of this, it’s obviously an important topic for many, many people.

As always, we wish them nothing but the best.
