Thursday, February 8, 2018

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie: We"re Holding Secret Talks!

According to an onslaught of recent rumors, Brad Pitt is getting back together with Jennifer Aniston.

Call us crazy, but we aren’t exactly buying this chatter.

On a semi-related note, however, reports also indicate that Pitt is back in contact with estranged wife Angelina Jolie, leaving folks to wonder why.

Is Jolie pissed about the Aniston reunion talk?

Is she considering a reconciliation with Pitt?

Are they collaborating on a movie project?

No, no and no.

Nearly 18 months after they stunned the world by announcing their separation and planned divorce, Jolie and Pitt are still working out the details of their legal split.

There’s no chance they will ever see each other naked, so don’t go getting all excited over this drawn out process.

But there is hope that the initial tension between the superstars has thawed and that an amicable relationship is still very much possible.

The Blast writes that Jolie and Pitt have filed documents in their divorce case, asking to extend their “temporary judge” so that negotiations remain private.

This means we can’t say for certain just what the actress and actor are talking about as it relates to their break-up.

But it’s most likely they are figuring out a way to distribute assets and, of course, coming up with a custody arrangement that satisfies both sides.

Granted, most divorces do not take this long to settle.

However, most divorces do not involve so many millions of dollars between the man and the woman – or so many kids!

Angelina and Brad are the parents to six sons and daughters: Maddox, Pax, Zahara, Shiloh, and twins Vivienne and Knox.

Amid speculation that Pitt was actually abusive with Maddox on board a private airplane in the fall of 2016, Jolie was hesitant at first to agree to any sort of joint custody.

But the two are now coordinating schedules so that Mom and Dad both get ample time in the kids on a regular basis.

“Brad and Angie are doing OK, working out time for him to be with the kids,which he treasures,” an insider tells People Magazine.

Right now, the kids reside permanently with Jolie in Los Angeles and visit with Pitt on occasion.

“Angelina is busy with everything she is doing, including being a super mom to her kids,” someone close to the actress previously told this publication, adding:

“But she is doing fine and working with Brad on ways to continue their lives so everyone is happy.”

As for Pitt?

He’s at least in a better position now than he was several months ago, back when he was actually under investigation by the FBI for supposedly getting physical with Maddox on board that aforementioned airplane.

He’s given a few candid interviews in which he’s admitted to maybe smoking and drinking a little too much back in the day and appears to have arrived at a few revelations about his life in general.

The guy clearly loves his kids.

“The process has been difficult,” said a different People source. “But he is OK and remains committed to his family.”
