Monday, February 5, 2018

Kylie Jenner Pregnancy Photos: They"re Finally Here!

Talk about anti-climactic!

Typically, when a star as big as Kylie Jenner gets pregnant, baby bump photos are everywhere in the months before the baby arrives.

But Kylie broke all the rules while carrying her kid.

On Sunday, the world learned that Kylie welcomed a baby girl on February 1.

With an astonishing 102 million Instagram followers, the 20-year-old reality star is usually one of the most visible people on social media.

But during her pregnancy, Kylie all but disappeared from the public eye.

(Well, to the extent that it’s possible for a member of the Kardashian clan to disappear from the public eye.)

There were many rumors as to why this was the case, and Kylie put some of them to rest in a heartfelt Instagram post yesterday.

Basically, it sounds like the pressures of impending motherhood and her insecurities about her changing body compelled her to lie low – but now that the baby has arrived, we finally get to see what Kylie looked like when she was knocked up!

The photo above was posted by Kylie’s friend Heather Sanders, who was pregnant at the same time as Jenner.

Heather posted the pic, along with the following tribute to Kylie:

“Congratulations To The sweetest,Loving, Most Caring person on earth! So happy we got to share this experience together!” Sanders wrote.

“Sleep together, Eat together, Workout etc Love Having you as my pregnant sister for 9 Months! You are going to be such an amazing Mom, and your beautiful baby is the luckiest girl in the world to have you as her mother.

“You Were Made For This! I Love You So Much! Can’t wait for Your Snap Back We Not Even Ready.”

Another one of Kylie’s bump buddies is her sister Khloe Kardashian.

Khloe is still pregnant with her first child, and it seems she’ll miss having Kylie around as her partner in pregnancy.

Like Sanders, Khloe posted a pic of herself with a pregnant Kylie, along with some heartfelt words of support:

“Congratulations My Sweet Kylie! What a magical ride it’s been! I’ll miss you bumping along with me,” Khloe wrote.

“Never in a million years did I think we would do this together but it’s been that much more special because of it.

“God is so great!! He had His plan all along! I love you little mama.”

Sounds like a lot of folks will miss pregnant Kylie.

Fortunately, Mama Kylie is taking her place, and we’re guessing she’ll be pretty popular, too.

After all, not every new mother can boast a 9-figure Instagram following.

Our sincere congrats go out to Kylie and her family.

We’re sure she’ll slay motherhood the same way she slays the selfie game.
